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The rain still hadnt let up, but Austin held me close to his side as he crowded us both under the umbrella he had rushed into his parents house to grab when we pulled up. He had beads of rain dripping from his hat and beard when he opened the door of the truck and ushered me and the plate of cookies I had clutched to my chest with one hand and my dress gathered up in the other, up the walk to the house.

"This dress was a dumb choice!" I squeaked as I dodged a huge puddle in the driveway. We reached the porch and he dropped the umbrella and wiped his face with the hem of his shirt.

"You are dry now princess, and you look gorgeous. Come on, let me go in first because the dogs are losing their goddamn minds. They are harmless just have zero self control." I started laughing and reached for the rain splattered flowers he was holding.

"Give me these, they will destroy them before Jodie even gets to see them." I gigged as he opened the front door and two large dogs came barreling straight for Austin almost tackling him to the ground. One of them was the size of a small horse, sleek shiny black and a head like a Great Dane but not quite as large, he was dancing in circles at Austin's side, sticking his nose into his ear as he leaned over to give them all a proper hello. There was a shepherd, a petite girl, who was clearly the most excited about Austin's homecoming. She was squealing in doggy delight and her entire body was a wriggling mess. A slower, very plump bulldog sauntered around the corner after them, just as excited but just not nearly as fast. He flopped belly up directly on to Austin's feet with loud whine.

Suddenly the black one seemed to notice my arrival behind Austin and came running towards me, tail wagging and tongue flapping as I started laughing and braced for impact. I heard Rich above the barks and whines yelling at Austin.

"Waylon NO! Calm the hell down you manic. Son, get that damn dog before he makes a mess of her!" All hell had broken loose and now all 3 dogs were clearly focused on me and giving me a through once over. I just laughed and held the flowers and cookies out to Austin as he tried to wrestle the dogs away from me.

"Oh Rich they are fine! They aren't gonna bother me. Babies! Hello! Hello!" I kneeled down to give everyone pet and to introduce myself as Jodie came around the corner chastising both men and the dogs. Waylon was now in my ear and gave me a nice sloppy lick inside of it that I'm positive reached my brain. I squealed with laughter as Austin finally pulled him off of me and Rich corralled him back down the hall. The fat bulldog was now belly up on my feet and the Shepard was back to climbing all over Austin to the point where he had to just sit down and let her crawl into his lap, her happy whines almost making me want to cry. She was so happy to see him.

"Sara darlin, I'm so sorry. These dogs, they are so excited all the time anyway, but he came in and surprised them.. they just lose their minds. Are you ok? You look so pretty darlin, you didn't have to get all dressed up for us. I'm so glad you are here. I'm just.. I'm just so glad." She pulled me in for a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek. It felt good, welcoming, like I had known her for years and not just meeting her for the second time.

"Brit, baby girl. Please! You have to let me breathe girl!" Austin was now being licked on every exposed bit of skin on his face. She had successfully knocked his hat off and was switching between licking and rubbing her face under his chin and beard while she just shook with excitement. His smile was beaming, he looked just as happy to see her as she was him.

"Austy you are going to have to break down and just start letting her travel with you. She's just beside herself the entire time you are gone. It takes me days to get her to stop pacing in front of that window waitin on you to come back. You know we love her and want her here too, but son, she just loves you so much. It breaks my heart!" Jodie shook her head and took the flowers and the foil wrapped plate of cookies from the hall table. "What is this? Sara did you make us something? Darlin you don't have to do all that!"

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