•fifty three•

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The cabin is absolutely perfect. We have been here all of about 15 minutes and I would be more than willing to spend the rest of my days here. It's literally my dream house.

Austin had woken up early, excited since last night about getting us here. After we had cleaned up from dinner and started getting ready for bed, he decided to get us both packed so we could leave as early as possible this morning. I oversaw his work a bit more carefully this time, and made sure that I actually had all the clothes I needed along with his pick of lingerie. Although, most of my comfortable clothes had been replaced by his now anyway, I still didn't want a repeat of the last time he packed for me.

I had packed a large cooler with our groceries, and quickly made a batch of cookie dough to bake up later tonight. Austin on the other hand was packing up gun cases. I had dug through the few art supplies I had thrown in my bag weeks ago when I left Atlanta and found the set of watercolor pencils, some brushes and a small sketchbook, determined to spend at least a few hours of this weekend getting myself out of my graphic design headspace. I needed to work on something more organic for a change.

As soon as we had turned onto the back road winding up the mountain I knew this would be the place that got my mind back where it needed to be for my art. The mountains have always been my home, the place I feel the most grounded, but everything about these mountains, the trees, the rocks, even the air, here is just so much more.. majestic and peaceful.

The cabin itself is modest for Austin's standards, and absolutely perfect for mine. Typical log cabin style, with a large wrap around porch and a back deck overlooking one of the most beautiful views into the valley below us that I have ever seen. When we had gotten to the top of the hill at the end of the dirt road leading to the house the view had taken my breath.

"Oh Austin!! This is more beautiful than I could have expected. You didn't tell me about the view!" I had my hands clutched to my chest in awe as we circled in front of the house in the truck and parked.

"I wanted to surprise you. I've been excited to show you this for a long time now. Ever since I found out how much you love the mountains. Britt, baby girl. That noise you are making is really ruining the moment girl. I know you are so excited too. Hold your horses.."

"She's just excited Austin. Where's her leash I'll let her out.."

"No leash... hold on.." he fumbled around in the backseat and pulled a collar out of Britt's bag behind my seat.

"Even smarter!" I giggled. "Those GPS collars are so convenient, my Pop's goes raccoon hunting with his friends and all their dogs have them. They would be out for days looking for them if they didn't. Now listen Britt, I'm not your dad so I don't know what your rules are but you better be careful. Stay away from snakes, and predators.. and skunks. And tall cliffs. Just... don't be dumb ok?" I patted her head and kissed her soft cheek as Austin put the collar on her and hopped out to let her go run.

"Listen to your mother and you better check in when I call you, and NO getting in the creek. You hear me? We will go down with you later but I don't want you muddy when you get back. Now go have fun, don't catch anything you don't plan on eating. Bye girl.." he gave her head a tousle as she bounded out of the truck and straight into the surrounding woods with her nose to the ground. The dog was in heaven, please just let her keep her snacks in the woods.

"You.." he said pointing at me and tossing me his keys. "Go check out your cabin while I get us unloaded. It's the square gold key, has a C engraved on it." His smile had lit up his face, the diamonds blinding me. He was so excited.

I was giddy with excitement as I hopped out of the truck and took the stairs up to the porch two at a time. I walked around to the backside of the house and leaned against the railing looking out over the valley below us. The view, I can't even describe how magical this place is.

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