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The restaurant was empty except for staff closing up the kitchen as we walked out through a back exit. Austin made small talk with the staff, taking a few photos and pulling the head chef in for a handshake and hug.

"Thank you Ryan, I definitely owe you one brother. You never disappoint! Everything was fabulous." Austin gave everyone a final wave goodbye as he led me outside to where Scott was waiting in the Escalade. He opened the door and helped me in shutting the door behind him. I looked at the clock on the dash as I got settled in the seat, it was already 11:30.

"We are and hour and a half late already Austin! We should have just snuck the bottle out with us and left!" I laughed, feeling somewhat embarrassed.

"It's not a big deal Sara, honestly, I'm telling you. Tell her Scott.." Austin said

Scott turned to look at me in the mirror as we started out of the parking lot. "It's definitely not a big deal, we aren't on a time crunch. You guys are fine. I'm glad you enjoyed yourselves" he flashed me a smile.

"Ok, I trust you guys." I sighed and laid my head on Austin's shoulder as he pulled a pack of camels from his jacket. Lighting his own, placing the other between my lips and flicking the flame of his lighter for me.

"I'm really excited for this trip Austin, I know things got a little deep at dinner, but I really am. It might be corny but this is all just beyond my wildest dreams, and it's only been a day." I felt myself blush, realizing how starstruck I sounded.

"Sweetheart, all I want to do is make your dreams come true. I want to show you how someone as special as you should be treated. I don't just mean expensive dinners and gifts, although there will be plenty of that.." his eyes glinted as he smiled at me. "I mean your heart Sara. I want to heal it. I know I'm not perfect, but I do know that I want to try to be for you.."

"Austin I don't ever expect you to be perfect, I'm not going to be. I'm messy and loud, I get emotional when I drink red wine.." I giggled.. Austin stopped me mid sentence pressing his lips against mine and cupping my face in his hands. He kissed me slowly and gently, pulling his hands through my hair and stroking my arm. He pulled away and looked at me.

"I wish you knew how you made me feel when I look into your eyes Sara, I've never had a woman make me feel the way you do... Fuck... I'm sorry Sara I know this is way too fast." He rubbed the back of his neck with his hand and took a heavy pull from his cigarette, looking down at his lap and shaking his head.

"Hey.. no. Don't.." I put my hand on his tattoo covered forearm and laid my head on his shoulder. "I would much rather you just tell me how you feel than keep it a secret. Neither of us are here for games, if that's how you feel then I want to know. It makes me feel better anyway, bc the moment your lips touched my hand last night, I knew there was something different about you. I wasn't sure if it was just my nerves, being your biggest fan and all.." I paused and rolled my eyes, Austin laughed and pecked my head. "I just thought maybe I was being ridiculous, but I feel the same. You make me feel terrified and the safest I've ever been at the same time.."

"I'm glad I found you Sara..." He pulled me into him and put his arm around my shoulder.

We had just pulled into a large fenced in lot, checking in with a security guard at the gates. It was a huge storage lot for RV's, tour buses, large trailers and some of the biggest boats I had ever seen. A massive blacked out Prevost bus was waiting for us near the entrance, unassuming but definitely luxurious.

"You ready for this adventure mamì?" Austin grabbed my hand, unbuckling my seatbelt and opened the door, helping me out. The boyish grin on his face making my heart skip a beat. The excitement on his face made me melt just a little. He was this excited about me? How is this possible?

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