•thirty two•

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I woke up with cramps from hell, as usual. It was still dark outside so I knew I hadn't been asleep long, my face still felt raw from tears. Austin still had me tight in his arms, I was curled into his neck, his deep sleepy breaths tickling the hair on top of my head. I hated having to pull myself from his arms but I knew I had to get to my bags and the bathroom. I kissed along his neck, trying to wake him up so I could shimmy out of his grip. He groaned in his sleep and snuggled me tighter, not what I was trying to accomplish. I giggled, but started working my way out of his arms. He finally stirred and woke up, letting his grip on me loosen enough so I could slide out of the bed.

"Where are you going? You ok?" His raspy sleep filled voice making my tummy flip flop like always.

"I'm fine, go back to sleep. I just need my bag and I have to pee...I'll be right back." I slipped out to the small seating area outside the bedroom and grabbed my bag and hustled to the bathroom. I dug around and found a tampon and some underwear and did my business. I pulled Austin's boxers from inside his pants and put them on, but left myself topless not feeling like putting anything else on my body. No wonder I had felt like shit all day.

I walked back into the bedroom where my bag was and rattled through my things until I found Advil shaking some into my hand and tossing the bottle back in the bag. I walked to my side of the bed, threw back the pills and half a bottle of water and climbed back into bed, Austin opening his arms wide as I slid in beside him, my back to his chest.

"You have had a shit day baby, I'm sorry. If you need anything tell me. I love you." He kissed my neck and wrapped his arm around my chest. "I know it's the last thing you want to hear, but fuck baby, you look so damn hot in nothing but my boxers.." he hummed in my ear and kissed along my neck before he settled behind me.

"I'm lucky it doesn't take much to impress you Mr Post... because frankly I look like shit." I said with a sleepy laugh. "I appreciate the confidence boost though."

He chuckled deep in his chest. "You are always beautiful, even on a very bad day. Maybe even more beautiful.. " his voice quiet as he trailed off into sleep.


Austin's alarm woke us both up at 9 which was an ungodly hour after the night we just had. It was too early for him to leave me, I hadn't been in his arms for nearly long enough.

"Sorry baby... I'll be quiet, rollover so the light isn't in your eyes..." he kissed me and nudged me, I groaned in objection and rolled over, curling in a ball around a pillow. He bundled the comforter around me and kissed my temple as he got up and started getting ready. He had to drive into LA for meetings all day, but thankfully the show wasn't until tomorrow night.

I tried to fall back to sleep listening to the quiet sounds of him getting dressed, feeling a bit of domestic bliss. Just the small bit of routine it gave me, made me realize how much I missed any sort of routine. This life is crazy.

I rolled over as I heard him pulling his belt through his pants, knowing that's the last thing he does before he's ready. He was dressed in all black, my heart immediately skipping a beat.. black slim flitting pants and his black cowboy boots, a black button down with just the right amount of buttons undone and the sleeves rolled to his forearms. I felt myself slowly dying inside, he looked so insanely sexy. He adjusted the buckle of his belt and must have finally felt me staring at him because he turned around and grinned when he saw me.

"It's hard to sleep when you are staring at someone like a little weirdo, weirdo..." he said as he laughed and came to sit on the bed beside me.

"I can't help it. You look so good in all black, it's my weakness. And that belt buckle. And those sleeves rolled up on those damn arms of yours..." I groaned as I buried my face in my pillow.

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