•forty two•

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An hours sleep on an airplane is not the best rest, but I was so fucking thankful for it. I still feel like a zombie and it took me and the flight attendant to wake Austin up for landing. He's so damn exhausted. Once he was awake he was so excited.

"Open the window Mami! I want you to see.." he said, leaning over and kissing me with a huge grin on his face. I reached over and opened the shade and gasped. Austin chuckled and gave me another kiss on the temple. "Told you Mami..."

"Austin!.." I was completely speechless. I have never seen something as beautiful as the landscape below us. The mountains were insane, nothing like the tiny anthills we call mountains in Georgia. The city was sprawled out between them, looking almost like liquid how it snaked between the peaks and into the valleys below us. I turned to Austin with a huge smile on my face as he beamed at me.

"It's so gorgeous Austin... I can't... I don't even know what to say..." I grabbed his uninjured hand and squeezed it tight as I stared, slack jawed, out the window.

"Wait till you see them from the ground. It's magical seeing them from here, but you don't realize how big they really are until you are on the ground." He kissed my neck and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"I feel like that could be a "that's what she said"..." I said with a giggle, turning my head and kissing his cheek as he rolled his eyes at me.

"I think... dad can tell you for sure, but I think... see that little sliver between those two mountains. No... Sara baby, you gotta follow my finger. Yeah.. there you go." He chuckled. "I'm pretty sure that's Cottonwood Canyon. Well it's that one or the one beside it but that seems too far south.. so yeah. That one. That's where our house is baby...somewhere in that general area.. I think."

I turned to face him. "Our house?" I whispered.

"Well of course... our house and our land and our bathtub and our bedroom..." he said wiggling his eyebrows.

"This is a lot..." I said quietly.

"It's gonna be amazing Sara. I can't wait. I promise you will love it here. And I'll do whatever it takes to make you feel like this is your home too baby. It is a lot. But it's home baby. Or it will be..." he kissed me again. Always pulling me back from my own thoughts especially when they start to race. "We take it one day at a time sweetheart. I know it's a huge life change for you and I want to make it as easy as I can."

"I love you Austin, everything about us has always been easy for me. I'm sure this will be too. I'm so excited. I'm happy baby. So fucking happy." I grinned and gave Austin another kiss and then turned back around in his arms to watch my new home get closer to a reality.

Landing was a little rough and Austin was praying between his knees again, although the way we sorta fell out of the sky this time was pretty damn terrifying. At least the pilot warned us about the turbulence before it happen, I appreciated the warning. Austin did not.

"So Jodie is here. Pat is too. You get to meet them both!" Austin was excitedly gathering our things and readying a cigarette between his lips for the exact second his lungs hit fresh air.

"Wonderful, I was drugged up and sleepy when I met your dad and now I get to meet your stepmom on exactly 1 hour of sleep and 5 hours in the ER. I'm sure I make great first impressions." I sighed. "Wait who's Pat again?"

"Pat is Scott when we are home. But he mostly just stays at the house. If I need him he comes along, but here it's not so bad when I go out. He's a good friend and I trust him like I do Scott. He's a bit more in the shadows, but you will love him. And... Jodie knows you have been at the ER and she's not going to care. We have dinner at their place Wednesday night anyway, you can make your fancy first impression then if it makes you feel better." He pecked me on the head and grabbed my hand as we walked out the door and down the steps into the bright Utah sun.

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