•twenty three•

71 3 1

I jerked awake at the sound of my phone ringing. The harsh noise confused me for a second until I processed what I was hearing.

"Fuck!" I mumbled, crawling out from under Austin's arm that was wrapped around me, he jumped awake as well.

"What? What's wrong?" He sat up rubbing his eyes bewildered.

"It's my phone and I can't fucking find it. It's something for work. That's my work ringtone. Fuck!" I was scrambling around the room tossing our clothes around looking for my phone.

"Baby! Stop!" He laughed softly. "Here. It's over here. You fell asleep with it in your hand when we were watching the videos Adam sent you.. I put it over here with mine..." he handed me my phone and pulled me by the wrist back down on the bed.

"Oh fuck Candace! I forgot... goddamn it!.." I tapped my phone answering the call.

"Sara Grey-Bolton.." I answered with my 'customer service voice' as Leah called it.

Austin looked at me slightly confused, he melted into a smile and kissed the top of my hand. He rolled over and reached for his pack of camels, lighting one and resting on his back. His hand behind his head blowing smoke up at the ceiling.

"Candace! Hey! Yes, yes! I'm so so sorry Candace, I have been out of town the past few days and was sorta wrapped up in things" I looked at Austin and grinned, he started chuckling under his breath. "I'm so glad you found one you like! Yes definitely. That sounds perfect. I'll check my email now and look over your changes and if I have any questions I'll call you back ok? I should definitely have a new mock up ready by... 3:30 or 4? Ok and again, I'm so sorry. Thank you! Talk soon. Bye Candace!"

"You in trouble sweetheart?" Austin asked with a grin as he passed me a cigarette and his lighter. I lit it and sighed.

"No. Thank god. I completely forgot I was expecting an email from her. I was supposed to have her edits done by last night and I totally forgot. That's not like me at all. You distract me too much Austin. But honestly, I'm not complaining. At least it was Candace, she's been a client of mine for a long time and she was fine..." I flopped back on the bed beside him.

"What's it for? You care if I'm nosy?" Austin  asked.

"Of course not! She owns a hair care product line that she formulated herself. She's such a great client. I've been working with her for years now. She's amazing at what she does and is probably one of the smartest people I know. Shes launching a new product that is completely customizable based on your hair type and I'm doing a set of about 5-6 labels for it."

"That's pretty damn cool Sara. Do you do a lot of product design?" He asked. He seemed genuinely interested in my work.

"Nope. She's my only client that I do that sort of work for. Mostly just logo and merch design..."

"Merch designs huh?" He looked at me and grinned. "I might have to hire you for some work then baby..."

"Oh hush. You have plenty of people to do that. Ive only boring shit like golf courses and real estate offices. Things for promotional give aways and a couple trade shows. Nothing cool like band merch. I'm sure you don't need me..." I laughed.

"I'll always NEED you Sara, but I'm serious. I want your help when we start heading down that road with the new album. I've seen your work, I love the stuff you have shown me. I think you could come up with some really cool ideas..." he leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"Well you might can convince me to work for you, I'm not sure though... depends on the benefits package I guess." I teased. He rolled his eyes laughing and took another pull from his cigarette.

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