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A/N: ok so a couple notes. First this is hella long and well sorry not sorry lol, it just happened that way. 😂 Also, I'm not sure what should be labeled with TW's.. so proceed with your own guidance I guess. Consent is always a big deal and also, consent is sexy babes. 💋

Either my internal clock decided it suddenly worked again or the bright sun reflecting off the water and into our windows woke me up at an ungodly early hour the next morning. It wasn't a terrible thing, Austin and I both had work to do this morning, but I would be lying if I didn't admit I wanted nothing more than a few extra hours of sleep.

Austin was still dead to the world beside me. One arm draped across me, his breath tickling my shoulder. I slid out from under him quietly. Checking my phone it was just after 8. He had an interview at 10, I decided to see what I could round us up for breakfast. I looked around the room for my clothes, quickly remembered they were on the beach where we left them last night. I giggled to myself as I dug though my bag and pulled on an oversized black Posty Co shirt Smitty had given me and a light pink thong. I grabbed my phone and my iPad and tip toed down the stairs.

I stopped at the bathroom to use the toilet and wash my face. When I was done I walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge. Only stocked with beer and wine... I laughed to myself, of course it was. I sat cross legged in a chair and pulled out my phone, and sent Scott a text telling him I was ordering groceries and that I needed the address. He gave me the address to the main house and told me he would bring them when they were delivered.

I stood up and decided to go clean up our mess of cans and clothes we left on the beach last night. I slipped out the bathroom side of the house, worried that I would wake Austin if I tried to slide open the huge doors at the front.

The air was still slightly cool, the heat of the day hadn't quite burned the fog off the water just yet. There were birds singing in the trees around the house and it was just so perfect. The sand was cool between my toes in the shade of the palms but was much warmer when I reached where the sun was hitting. I walked to the lounger and gathered our things.  My dirty shirt and discarded thong, a handful of bud light cans. An empty Maison bottle and a wine glass. I tucked the cans in the empty cooler bag and realized I had also left my joint in the ashtray. I let it stay for later. The card from Austin's gift was also laying on the table. I gasped not realizing I had left it there, I grabbed it, so relieved it didn't blow away or get lost. I opened it and reread the words in the card again. My stomach doing flips as my fingers absentmindedly touched the pendant around my neck. Too much. It was all too much but he would never listen, how was any of this real? I sighed with a huge smile on my face as I turned to walk back to the house with our things.

I slipped quietly back into the house and tossed my laundry in the small washer in the hall and dumped our garbage. I put the glass in the sink and tucked the card into the case of my iPad. I started trying to find everything I would need to cook our breakfast. I found a coffee pot and some coffee and started it brewing. I looked around the cabinets and found a travel mug, deciding to give Scott a cup for his troubles. I poured my own cup, realizing I would have to drink it black, not my preference but it would do. I sat down on the couch and pulled out my iPad. I had 2 new clients to draw up some quick proposals for and wanted to get started on them while I waited for Scott to get back. I hadn't been working long when I got a text from him telling me he was back. I met him at the door and grabbed my bags, passing him the mug of hot coffee. He smiled, seemed surprised and thanked me.

I walked back to the kitchen and started unpacking the bags. I was craving comfort food. Even though I cheated and got frozen biscuits instead of making them from scratch like my Nan had taught me. I went to preheat the oven and get the sausage started cooking.

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