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I was changing clothes in the bedroom of the bus when I heard the main door pop open and felt heavy footsteps cross the bus.

"Sara?" I heard Austin ask quietly..

"I'm back here babe, just getting ready." I smiled as he stepped into the small bedroom and slid the door closed behind him. He immediately took me into his arms and held me tight to his chest. I could feel his nervousness radiating off him.

"What's wrong? Are you upset?" I pulled myself out of his arms and looked at him. He looked worried and confused.

"I just want you to be ok. When I came in today and saw you upset..." he sighed and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. "If something is wrong I just want you to tell me Sara. I don't want you upset.." he trailed off as he walked to the corner of the small room and grabbed a very well worn, well loved guitar I hadn't even realized was there. He laid it on the bed and pulled me down to sit with him at the foot of the bed.

"Austin, I'm definitely not upset at you. I was upset, I'll admit that. But it wasn't what you think it was. Even though I have no idea why you would think I was upset with you..." I grabbed his hand and pulled it to my lips, kissing the bear inked on the top of it and lacing my fingers through his. "You have been nothing but a perfect gentleman to me Austin. You don't have anything to worry about. I promise."

He nodded and kicked his shoes off. Crossing his legs under him, his tattooed bare feet under his knees. He grabbed the guitar and pulled it into his lap and started absentmindedly strumming.

"You care? While we talk? I just need something to do with my hands.." he chuckled and flushed a light pink as he looked at me.

"Of course not. It's sweet.." I walked over to the small vanity and sat on the short stool that was slid under it. I pulled out my cosmetic bag and started digging through it. "I will tell you why I was upset though.. Kenna was telling me about when you left LA.." his eyes darted to mine in the mirror and his hands fell to his sides.

"I'm sorry Sara, fuck! I was in such a bad place and I told you last night I'm not proud of that part of my life and my actions then, I was a terrible person and I did a lot of unforgivable shit. I was not the person I am now. I understand why you were upset and I don't fucking blame you. I put everyone here, especially Adam and Kens, through so much during that time and I know why you are upset at me now.. fuck I'm so sorry Sara..I.." his voice cracked and he hung his head in his hands, I could see them shaking.

"Austin!!!" I jumped up and walked to him, taking his hands from his face and putting them on my waist as I stood in front of him. I put my hands on his cheeks and pulled his face up to look at me. "You told me everything I needed to know last night at dinner. I told you I wouldn't judge you because of your past and the things you did. Remember that promise we made to each other? I mean that. Your actions aren't what upset me baby. Yes, hearing about you being so broken did upset me. But not because of why you think. It upset me that someone hurt you so badly that you wound up hurting yourself. The thought of someone taking advantage of the heart that you have shown me was what upset me. I was crying because your friends really care about you and want the best for you, I was upset bc I don't want you to ever feel the way you did ever again. I told you that your past means nothing to me, and it doesn't, but that doesn't mean that I don't care how you felt and why you did the things you did. I just feel protective of you baby... it just broke my heart." I kissed his pink lips sweetly, he pulled away quickly and pulled the neck of his tee shirt to his eyes in a quick motion, trying to hide the dampness around them.

"Sara, I don't deserve someone like you..." he took a shaky breath and looked up at me again, his fingers finding the neck of the guitar in his lap. "I don't know if I've ever had anyone that really cared about how I felt. It means a lot sweetheart. I regret so much from that time of my life and I'm still sorry for what I did back then even if you say you don't care, I know I come with a lot of baggage.."

Maybe There's No Mistakes..Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz