•twenty four•

66 4 2

The drive back didn't take nearly as long as I wanted it too. I wasn't ready to really get thrown back into Austin's busy schedule, especially since the next couple weeks we're going to be incredibly slammed. I wasn't looking forward to it, but I was also so wrapped up in the moment, it honestly didn't matter. All that mattered was how happy Austin has been all afternoon. The smile hasn't left his face since our moment in the kitchen this morning.

As soon as we got to the venue in Tampa, Dre snatched up Austin and he was back to work. I missed him terribly and felt like an absolute tool for being so lovesick over this man. I had busied myself, unpacking our small bags and our bags of clean laundry that magically had appeared while we were gone. Seriously, who is doing the laundry? This life is wild.

When I was finished I camped out on the sofa in the front of the bus and worked on the edits for Candace. Thankfully the changes were minor, color correcting and adding some text. I sent her the edits and apologized again for making her wait. I checked my other work emails just to make sure nothing else was being neglected.

Austin had text me several times over the afternoon, both of us sounding ridiculous with how much we hated not being literally attached at the hips like we had been for the last 72 hours. Sara six months ago would have hated Sara today. I had to giggle at myself.

I closed my laptop and decided to go sit in the shade of the bus outside and paint my toenails. They were chipped and peeling from the beach. I dig through my bags and found my almost empty bottle of blood red polish, the only color I ever wore on my toes.

I walked outside and plopped myself down on the warm blacktop of the parking lot and leaned against the side of the bus. Kerry and the rest of the drivers were playing poker at a plastic table set up under a tent between the buses and trucks. They all yelled hello when the noticed me.

"Sara! Sweetheart I've missed you! Our boy treat you right while y'all were out honeymooning?" Kerry asked from his seat while he studied his hand, A fat cigar was between his lips.

"Missed you too Kerry, and yes, I had a wonderful time, it was beautiful and I didn't have to feed Austin to the sharks." I laughed as Kerry raised his eyebrows at me.

"I like you Sara. You are a spitfire..." he laughed and turned his attention back to his game yelling at one of the other drivers.

I was focused on my toes when I heard footsteps and saw Eli coming around the side of the buses. "Sara! There you are! The girls are looking for you!"

"Hey Eli! Yeah I text them a second ago and told them I was gonna take a shower and see them in a few. Missed you guys.."

"The hell you did, I bet you didn't have your ass out of the bed long enough to think about anything other than his di...."

"ELI!!!" I yelled, laughing and kicked at his shins. Kerry and the others roared in laughter. "My god you are always a pain in my ass. I regret agreeing to spend this much time around you..." Eli sat down across from me. I propped my foot up on his knee and kept working on my toes.

"I don't think you regret your decision one damn bit, or at least by the way Austin talks I don't think you do." He grinned at me.

"What did he say?" I asked, my cheeks turning pink, I didn't dare look up at Eli, I would never hear the end of it.

"He won't shut up about you for one thing. Apparently you make extraordinary biscuits and gravy?" Eli laughed and I felt my cheeks flush even more. "He's crazy over you Sara..."

"By the way everyone around here talks you knew that he would be before we even met.." I looked at him, shooting my eyebrows up.

"I knew how much you pined over Posty Sara, don't be stupid!" He laughed. I kicked him and switched feet on his knee. "I wasn't going to be that kind of cockblock, even for my own sister."

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