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"Austin, I'm not good with surprises.. especially your surprises because I know how fucking extra you are." I laughed as we both got out of the jeep, austin grabbing our bags and his case as we walked down the small path to the cottage.

"You are just going to have to learn how to accept and expect my surprises AND maybe learn it's ok to be a little extra. Plus, it's not gonna stop me from ever spoiling you, because like I said. That's just what I do sweetheart..." he said as I turned around and stuck my tongue out at him, shaking my head.

He dropped his bag on the ground and pulled out his phone. "I have a text with the key code.. hold on..." he scrolled through his messages and tapped a code into the lock on the door, opening it and ushering me in.

The first thing I noticed was the view. The entire front of the small house was made of paned glass sliding doors, they opened to an open porch with a large swing and a table with a couple chairs. The beach was just about 100 yards from the house.

I walked over to the doors and pushed them open as far as they could go, opening nearly the entire wall. I walked out onto the porch and leaned against the railing taking in the view. Austin stepped in behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder. "This is so beautiful Austin, it's so peaceful and quiet. It looks like a postcard."

"You are definitely making the view even more beautiful baby." He said as he kissed my neck. "It is absolutely amazing out there though, isn't it? That bed lounger umbrella thing is calling my name..." Austin laughed and pointed out to a huge round lounger with a shade over the top.

"Oh that's definitely going to get some good use. It looks so comfy...Thank you for doing all this. I know this was probably a huge deal, I know how busy you are and how many obligations you have. I really hope you aren't making people angry by being here with me... I don't want to come into your space, walk into your job and disrupt things. Your time is valuable and I definitely feel like I'm taking up too much of it." I rubbed my hands along his forearms as I talked. I felt suddenly guilty of being here with him. There's no way he's not rearranging his entire schedule for this.

"Hey.. no ma'am. First off you will never take up too much of my time, you aren't allowed to act like you are some sort of burden to me." He turned me around to face him, taking his hat off my head and turning it around backwards and placing it back with a pat, so he could see me. "Secondly, if it makes you feel any better, I will have to do some work while we are here. Just a couple interviews and a meeting, but I'm not leaving, I'm doing it all by phone and skype. I was dreading telling you about those but oddly enough now I feel like you would rather hear that I was working." He laughed as I wrinkled my nose at him.

"Well it sounds bad when you say it like that! I didn't mean it that way.. I just..." he interrupted me, putting his hands on both sides of my face and kissing me. Pulling me into him, his tongue taking control of mine, my hands on his chest as he pulled me slightly off balance. His kiss completely knocking all my senses off balance. He slowly broke the kiss just enough to hiss a soft "shhhhhhh.." against my lips. He pressed his lips to mine again, gently sucking on my bottom lip before returning to the mind clouding kiss he was giving me. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he dropped his to my lower back, his hands roaming under my shirt.

He broke away, capturing me in his eyes that at the moment were almost a perfect match to the sky around him. "Sara, I completely understand what you were trying to say, but you don't have to worry about things like that. There is nothing I can't do from here. Seriously, you aren't making anyone angry with me, and if they are they know better than to come to me about it. I want to be here with you instead of partying for 3 straight days with the rest of the team, seriously the only difference in my plans."

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