•forty three•

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The bedroom was exactly as I expected it. Grey walls, except for a deep rich green that was behind the bed. The bed itself was huge, with a lux looking light grey comforter and tons of pillows. There was another huge woven rug in grays, greens and blues that took up most of the space around the bed. There were two bedside tables with matching lamps and a navy velvet arm chair and ottoman with a soft grey blanket thrown across it in front of another fireplace that was just a smaller version of the one in the living room. There were two doors, I assumed one was a closet and the other the bathroom and the wall opposite from the entry were the full floor to ceiling windows I saw from the patio. They were currently covered with thick dark curtains, which I highly appreciated at the moment. There was also a huge tv mounted to the wall and a collection of big ass swords leaned in a corner. I giggled when I saw them.

"Are you laughing? At my... swords??" He seemed highly offended.

"Not at all sir, your swords are very badass and not nerdy at all. Only the coolest boys have swords in their bedrooms..." I said giggling.

"Im gonna hang them all up eventually, I just haven't had time."

"In the bedroom?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"I guess not..." he said with a laugh. "Not even here a day and already taking over the place..." he teased under his breath grabbing me by the waist and pulling me towards one of the doors.

"Your bathroom sweetheart..." he said as he opened the door and wrapped his arms around me, resting his chin on the top of my head.

The first thing I noticed made me let out a tiny gasp and I heard Austin chuckling behind me in my ear.

"Bathrooms always impress my dirty little hippie." He said laughing and placed tiny kisses along the curve of my ear and let me go as I started to pull away from him.

"Shhhh you made me this way. I never gave a shit about a bathtub until I met you." I said grinning back at him as I took in the room.

The tub was definitely the focal point of the room. It looked like a huge oval soup bowl. That was the only way to describe it. It ran length wise in the center of the room with another set of huge floor to ceiling windows along the back wall, with almost the same view as from the kitchen. There was a double sink and huge vanity on one wall and a walk in rock shower on the other with bench seats and two shower heads. There was a smaller room with the toilet as well. I was completely in awe.

"This is the most gorgeous bathroom I've ever seen...." I breathed. I heard Austin's bare feet on the tile as he walked up behind me and wrapped me up again. "I cannot wait to sit in this big ass tub with you and watch it snow outside..." I turned and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. "Thank you baby.."

"Stop thanking me sweetheart, you deserve all this and more. And I'll give you everything you could ever imagine... I should be thanking you for making the sacrifices you have to be here with me. I made you uproot your entire life for me. And you did it without a single hesitation. Thank you for trusting me and loving me.."

"Nothing about this is a sacrifice baby, you make this home for me.." I said as he kissed me, tangling his tongue with mine and walking us backwards into the bedroom. He kicked the bathroom door closed on the way out, making the bedroom perfectly dark again.

His knees hit the mattress and he flopped down on his back pulling me down with him in a fit of giggles.

"This goddamn hand is gonna be an issue.. fuck!" He said frustrated as he fumbled with the buttons on my fancy pajamas.

"I got it. Calm down. It won't be that bad in a couple days. I'll unwrap it tonight and see if I can't bandage it up a little better. They went a little overboard in the ER." I sat up straddling him and unbuttoned my top as he laid back and sucked on his teeth watching me.

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