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Austin couldn't keep himself off me the entire night. Not that I was complaining or keeping my hands to myself at all. I had lost count of how many shots either of us had, I hadn't left Austin's lap most of the night. Tia, Kenna and I had spent a few songs on the dance floor, the three of us drunkenly dancing with each other as the boys watched and laughed.

It was already after 3 when the owner sent several bottles of champagne to our table that we graciously made short work of. I had gotten  up to dance once more with the girls, winding up leaning on the glass railing sipping my champagne and watching the crowd below us dance, swaying my hips with the beat. I felt someone come up behind me, and smelled Austin's expensive cologne as he put his hands on the rail on either side of me, cigarette in one and champagne glass in the other. He placed wet kisses along my shoulder and neck, I could smell the tequila on his breath.

"You had a good time gorgeous?" He slurred into my ear, knowingly full well I was just as drunk as he was at this point. I tilted my head away from him, fully exposing my neck to his lips as he nibbled and sucked along the curve.

"I've had so much fun baby, you guys know how to throw a party." I murmured as he continued kissing me. Between his kisses and the alcohol the room was beginning to spin.

Austin put his cigarette out on the floor and put his hand on my hip, pulling me back into him and wrapping his arm around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder. He started singing in my ear and moving us to the music.

But deep down I think about you all day, mami
I know I'm a pitbull, but da-le mami
I just wanna take you on a holiday, mami
Say what's on your mind, I'm a call away, mami

I started laughing at his Drake performance and turned around to face him, I linked my arms around his neck, my glass dangling from my fingers. He pulled me tight to him by my waist, wrapping his arms around me again, only tighter. He slid his knee between my legs as I started dancing, grinding into him as his free hand roamed down my back and settled on my ass.

"Let's get out of here baby... I'm starving." Austin said as he nipped my shoulder, hard enough for me to know there would be a mark there tomorrow morning.  I yelped and laughed, swatting him as he locked eyes with me, the fire clouded with alcohol but still making my body react instantly.

I pulled away from him, saying nothing taking him by the hand and walking back to the booth. We said our goodbyes and I grabbed my purse. Austin nodding at Scott and he lead us to an exit through the bar. I stopped suddenly.

"Austin are we leaving together?" I giggled.

"It's the service elevator and we can exit in the alley. I got you sweetheart..." he grabbed my hand and lead me through the door into a small elevator used to bring kegs and bottles to the upper bar. The doors on the opposite wall opened seconds later to a closed loading dock, Scott lead us to another door beside the roll up door.

The night breeze hit my skin and I felt instantly refreshed. Our car was waiting in the alley way right outside the door. I started laughing, my giggles apparently contagious as Austin started laughing too.

"Well isn't that convenient as fuck?! The life I've been fucking missing.." I giggled again as Austin helped me in the backseat and buckled me in, sliding in beside me and handing me a cigarette from behind his ear, pulling another from his pack with his lips.

"Living the life huh? Kiss me by the dumpsters baby.." he puckered his lips and I dissolved into sloshy giggles again as I pecked him on the lips.

"Can we really get food? Because I'm fucking starving babe." I rubbed my tummy and pouted my lip.

Austin laughed and put his hands on his own stomach. "I wasn't playing. I'm fucking starving too. What is even open around here.."

I pulled out my phone and started searching, one eye closed to help me not see double. After a few seconds I flipped my phone around.

Maybe There's No Mistakes..Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα