•forty nine•

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I woke the next morning cold, I shivered and rolled over to curl myself into Austin's perpetually warm body and all I found was an empty spot. I blinked a few times and reached out feeling for him but the bed was cold, he had been gone for a bit. I went to sit up and look for him and found a note on a scrap of paper on his pillow. I felt a smile creep across my face as I grabbed it and pulled the blankets up over my head, shivering. Damn him and his fucking air conditioning fetish.

Good morning beautiful..
I needed to run to the store to grab a few things. Stay in bed, you will ruin my surprise. I'll hopefully be back before you wake up, but if you do I know you are mad bc you are fucking cold. I left my hoodie on your side of the bed. You're welcome.

Stay put. Love you, me xxoo

I immediately rolled over and fished around with my hand outside of the blankets until I felt his sweatshirt draped over the side and grabbed it, pulling it over my head inside my cocoon and bringing my knees to my chest inside the shirt. I pulled the neck up over my nose and took a deep breath, humming happily. The smell of him instantly seeming to warm me up from the inside out. It took much less time and effort than I thought it would to slip back to sleep, especially now that I was warm.

A low rumble of thunder and the feeling of the bed dipping beside me woke me up. I was still buried under the covers curled into a ball. I heard Austin softly chuckle at me as he pulled back the blankets and found me.

"Hell hippie, I thought I'd lost you under there.. good morning love." He said quietly as he leaned down and kissed me, brushing the unruly hair from my face. Thunder rumbled through the room again and I realized I could hear rain pouring outside. I grumbled and grabbed his shirt and tried to pull him back in bed with me as he laughed.

"Good morning Stinks... i love you but come snuggle. It's rainy and stormy and that's the best excuse to stay in bed." I stretched and groaned and tried to pull the covers back over me. Austin stopped me and I objected with a whine.

"And I thought I was the worst when it came to getting up and out of bed. You make me feel like an early bird. Never thought I would be the one dragging someone out of bed every morning. I have a surprise for you. Come on. Get up, go pee..." he grabbed my wrist and pulled me up to sitting, peppering kisses on my face. I grumbled some more, dissolving into giggles as he ran his fingers up my thighs under his sweatshirt, tickling me.

"Ok ok ok... I'll get up.. but do I have to get dressed?" I said as I yawned and slunk off to the bathroom.

"No sweetheart. We aren't going anywhere this morning. You look fucking hot in my hoodie anyway. Mmmm no panties either.." he said as I pulled the back of his shirt down over my ass from where it had ridden up in bed. "You are dressed perfectly for what I had in mind.."

I laughed at him from in the bathroom. "You smell like bacon. Is that part of the surprise?"

"Yes it is baby and I'm starving so hurry your perfect tight little ass up." I heard him flick his  lighter and take a draw. "Coffee's gettin cold too. I got you a cinnamon Dulce latte AND an iced chai for later when I was out. Hurrrrrrryyyyy" he whined impatiently.

"Oh damn!! Bacon and TWO coffees? Holy shit I'm coming.."

"Just what I love to hear.."

"Oh my god Austin, chill." I giggled.

"Sorry, it's not my fault you have denied me morning sex for like a week now..."

"Denied!? You haven't tried! And for your information when I woke up and couldn't find you earlier, well... i had another dream last night and.. well I was definitely not going to deny you this morning."

Maybe There's No Mistakes..Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ