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It was almost 6 by the time we dropped Leah back off at our building. She was gushing on all day about Clint. He sounded like a great guy. He usually bartends at a swanky lounge in Midtown, but works VIP parties at several of the local arenas as well. Has his own place, a dog that he adores and Leah was definitely into him. A lot.

I hopped out with her to give her a hug.

"Call me or text me everyday so I know you are alive. You light up a room Sara, and you know it's always the ones that light up a room that wind up on dead!" Leah said with a laugh.

"I will. I promise." I laughed rolling my eyes "Have fun with Clint while I'm gone, and thanks for going along with your brothers crazy ideas. Love you Leah." I gave her another big hug and got back in the SUV.

We got back to the AirBnB and Scott helped me with my bags as Tia and Kenna grabbed our shopping haul. We found so many cute things, and I found a gorgeous dress I was excited about wearing tonight.

We walked in to all the boys yelling at COD on the tv, in the living room. The sound of fake gunfire, yelling men and laughter filling the house.

"You boys ready for dinner yet?" Kenna yelled over the loud ass tv and all 6 of them snapped their heads around, not realizing we were even in the room. "Well damn, I know how to get your attention now, just mention food I guess!?"

"Holy shit y'all scared us!" Eli held his hand to his heart.

"Hey you..." Austin made eye contact with me, dropping his controller and turning his baseball cap around backwards. My stomach fluttered as he stood, ignoring the steps out of the sunken living area, stepping on the couch and over the top of it, reaching me in just a few long strides. "Goddamn I missed you, and you look absolutely stunning in this dress Sara" he said just loud enough for me to hear, raking his eyes up and down my body.

He put his hands on my waist and pulled me into him, my hands going to his chest, feeling his heart beating fast. He pressed his lips to mine and kissed me, pulling my bottom lip gently between his teeth and moving his hands to the exposed skin of my back. He kissed me like I had been gone for 6 months not 6 hours. My head becoming cloudy and the wetness creeping in between my legs.

"Damn it Austin, you really are making us look shit boyfriends." Smitty said as he and Adam made much less dramatic exits from the sunken couches. "Hello gorgeous.." he grabbed Tia by the hand and twirled her around making us all laugh.

"Missed you too, I got you something today." His eyes lit up as a smile spread across his lips, those ridiculous diamonds sparkling.

"So you did think about me while you were out?" He pinched my waist and took my shopping bags from me. "Do you need your bags to get ready for dinner?" He asked pointing to my bags that had joined the growing pile of things that had to make the trip to where the buses were parked.

"Just this." I said grabbing my smaller toiletries bag with my makeup and jewelry in it. "I got a new dress in there." I pointed to the bags he was holding.

"Come on sweetheart... I can't wait to see it..."I followed him down the hall towards the bedroom "laying on the floor later.." he smirked.

I busted out laughing, "You are so corny, it's a good thing you are so damn hot in that baseball cap big boy.." I teased. How does this man just seem to know all my weaknesses.

Austin dropped my bags to the floor as he shut the bedroom door, he took the small bag from my hand and put it on the dresser, grabbing my wrist and pulled me to him. Pressing his hips against me, I could feel his hardened cock against my belly.

"Mmmm see, I'm already learning new things that turn you on sweetheart, I like where this is going. I'll even let that big boy comment slide." He tangled his hand into my hair and gently pulled, tilting my head up to meet his eyes.

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