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For the second time in a row I was jerked awake by the buzzing backup alarms on the bus. I groaned as I realized what had startled me and Austin let out a sleepy laugh.

"I would say you will get used to it, but you won't..." his soft raspy morning voice felt like velvet on my skin. I had rolled over at some point in our few hours of sleep and I was draped across his chest. I pressed my lips against his skin and relaxed back into his arms.

"Please tell me your surprise can wait.." I mumbled into his chest. Rubbing my palm up and down his ribs.

"Yes baby, I'm not ready to move yet..." he kissed my head and wrapped his arms around me.


I rolled over, my mouth was so dry I felt like I had been lost in the desert for days. My eyes were even dry. My head, thankfully, was only slightly pounding, nothing a handful of Advil and a strong cup of coffee couldn't fix. I had no idea if we were alone on the bus, it was quiet but Scott and Kerry were both very good at being quiet and discreet. The first clothes I found were Austin's discarded black tee shirt and boxers on the floor. Damn, they really are Versace, I giggled to myself as I pulled them on. Just needing something to cover myself as I went on a water run. Austin was still fast asleep, snoring softly, laying on his stomach, one hand under his pillow and head, the other almost dangling off the side of the bed, a bare foot peeking from under the covers. I quietly slid open the door to the bedroom, thankfully to an empty bus. All the windows covered by shades, it still was dark and cool in the small kitchen area. I grabbed 2 bottles of water and both Austin's boots and my heels from the floor, bringing them back to the bedroom with me. It was nearly 2pm but I was desperately trying to let Austin get as much sleep as he could. I opened my water bottle and drank it down like it was nectar from the gods. My parched throat feeling instantly better. I put both bottles on the vanity and walked to the bathroom. Digging through my medicine bag I took 4 Advil and my other meds as I sat on the toilet. I really needed a shower, I have no idea what our plans were or what this surprise was all about. I finished in the bathroom and decided to tidy up the bedroom area, our clothes from last night, other than Austin's I was wearing, were scattered in piles on the floor. Along with a couple of our empty beer cans and water bottles, the half full ashtrays on both sides of the bed. It was a mess.

I found a laundry bag, I have no idea how we get laundry actually done, but since Kenna had an identical bag back at the AirB&B full of clean laundry, I assumed this is where they needed to go for now. I gathered our things, tossing them in the bag as I padded around the room and the bathroom. I placed the bag by the door and gathered our trash and ashtrays, sliding the door open and dumping it in the trash.

I washed up the handful of silverware and cups in the tiny sink, and wiped down the small counter. I started poking around in the kitchen finding a Kurig in a cabinet containing I bunch of different types of coffee, sweetener and syrups. I found a cup and popped a pod in the coffee maker and switched it on. I opened the small refrigerated drawers and found a brand new bottle of creamer. My coffee was done and steaming, the smell hitting my nostrils as I took a deep breath of the addicting smell. I stirred my coffee and sat down on the couch, deciding I should text Leah.

Hey sis. Miss you. Love you.

Wondering when I would hear from you today. Miss you too sis. Have a late night? 🤣

You can say that. I didn't go to sleep until almost 8 this morning.

EIGHT?! Damn Sara. Riding that night train.. 🍆💦

Hush. We were at a club most of the night. Got real drunk. Had a Waffle House picnic. It was a great night Leah. I'm falling for him.

Are you sure? I know it's been over a year but Post Malone is a hell of a rebound sis

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