Teddy Lupin

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A/N: Ai cannot give me the perfect Draco while making Teddy's hair blue 

~~Your pov~~

Today is Wednesday and the day Draco and I are meeting Teddy for the first time.

Yesterday I was planning on going shopping when Draco called me telling me the news that today we would be meeting his soon-to-be godson.

I decided not to go shopping that day so I could ask Dora for a few pointers.

I have never been to a baptism much less a church but I know the muggles take their faith seriously and I need to wear something appropriate.

Anyway, yesterday I spent the whole day at home.

In the morning I went for a run and took Khaleesi with me.

It was fun but I have to admit Khal put me to work.

I threw her ball and before I could even catch a breath Khal was back.

It's safe to say it was an arms and legs workout and I was fucking sore.

On the plus side, Khaleesi went to bed as soon as we got home.

We got home just before lunchtime which gave me time to shower before having lunch with my parents and the boys.

We had Caesar salad with fettuccine alfredo.

Cliff and Jon devoured everything on their plates and asked Dormiens for the leftovers as usual.

When lunchtime was over I bid my parents and the boys goodbye and decided to watch some telly.

For whatever reason the telly was showcasing a baking contest which gave me an idea.

I decided to bake some goodies.

With Daisy's help, I gathered the freshest fruit from the garden and greenhouse to use in my baking.


I happily entered the kitchen with my basket full of fresh food.

I set it down on the counter and grabbed an apron to put on.

I put on my apron and grabbed one of my mother's recipe books which have most of Grammy's recipes.

I already know I want to bake a pie but the garden is providing us with so much fruit which needs to be used up.

I scrolled through the pages looking for recipes in which my harvest could be used.

Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie.

Sounds good but I don't think we have Rhubarb.

Grammy has loads of it in her garden. 

When I was younger I was quite shocked when I first tried rhubarb

Grammy and Gramp's garden is always filled with fruit and vegetables which always mesmerized me when I was little.

One time when I was maybe four years old we were at my grandparent's manor and I was helping Grammy bake a strawberry and rhubarb pie.

Unfortunately for me, I was eating more than helping. 

I don't recall how many strawberries I ate but I remember vividly Grammy bursting out laughing when she saw me eating a strawberry, my mouth all stained red.


"Pumpkin look at your face."

Grammy said with a smile.

I smiled and ate the rest of my strawberry as quickly as possible.

"Someone loves strawberries."

Grammy said with a big smile.

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