Happy Birthday Crabbe

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Today is Saturday, the day after the party, and oh boy the common room is a mess. Unfortunately, the party that was only supposed to last four hours lasted five, and when the younger students came down they were in for a big surprise. Students from every house were sprawled all around the room and cups with mystery drinks were floating around. Thankfully Snape wasn't that drunk anymore and ushered all of the students out of the room before they saw something they shouldn't. 

- Everyone that doesn't belong to Slytherin out, the rest go to your rooms and get ready for breakfast. I will send house elves to clean everything so don't worry about it.(Snape)

Snape said once the younger students had left for breakfast.  Picking yourself up from the ground you woke up Draco and headed to your room. 

- My head is pounding.(Draco)

Draco hissed after you had closed the bedroom door a little too loud. 

- Sorry.(Y/N)

You softly whispered before discarding your costume.

- I am going to kill Theo, my hair is all sticky because of the slushy he spilled on me while he was dancing on the table.(Y/N)

- It might be sticky but it's blonde again.(Draco)

- So is yours.(Y/N)

You added while looking at your reflection as if it was gonna solve anything.

- I am going to go take a shower.(Y/N)

You told Draco before heading to the bathroom. Taking your time in the bathroom you washed your hair and used every single hair mask you owned to make sure Theo's disaster wouldn't leave scars. Once you were content with your hair you moved on to your skin still taking your time. 

- Are you almost done?(Draco)

Draco yelled from the other side of the door interrupting your relaxing moment.

- Yes.(Y/N)

You yelled back while lathering body wash through your body. Out of nowhere, the door opened and Draco appeared.

- I took a potion now move aside, I wanna shower with you.(Draco)

- Be my guest.(Y/N)

Instantly dropping his towel Draco joined you under the warm water.

- You smell good.(Draco)

- Thank you darling.(Y/N)

You said with a smile.

- I just remembered something.(Y/N)

- What is it darling?(Draco)

- We forgot about Crabbe's birthday cake.(Y/N)

- Oh fuck. Who was supposed to bring the cake out?(Draco)

- Theo.(Y/N)

- For fucks sake, he was high as fuck and drunk. It's a mystery to me how the fuck his brain is still functioning.(Draco)

- Do you think we should send him and Blaise to rehab?(Y/N)

- No, especially Blaise. If he remembers his father we are fucked.(Draco)

- What's wrong with his father?(Y/N)

- Oh that's right you don't know. Well, Blaise never met his father but the rumor was that he was an alcoholic, and Reagan divorced him once she got pregnant and was sure he didn't want to be in their lives and would rather drink until blacking out. He ended up almost dying and decided to go to rehab and change his life rumor has it, he is traveling the world to find a new purpose in life.(Draco)

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