Let's go home

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~~Your pov~~

Note to myself, don't party till the early morning hours when you have a train to catch.

To say I am exhausted is an understatement.

Not only was I exhausted because of the hunt but also because I spent the night dancing.

My muscles are aching and I don't want to get out of bed.

I feel like the Hogwarts Express ran over me.

At least I am not hangover.

Feeling disgusting I slowly got out of bed.

Draco was still sound asleep.

His blonde hair was all messy.

How can he look so angelic when I probably look like shit?

I forced myself to walk over to the bathroom to use the loo.

I avoided looking in the mirror and did my business.

Unfortunately, when I washed my hands the inevitable happened.

My hair was a mess.

The chic and messy updo I did last night looked like a bird's nest.

At least I had the decency to take off my makeup.

I thought to myself looking at the pile of makeup wipes by the sink.

Annoyed with myself I opened one of the cupboards and retrieved a vial with a painkiller potion.

I chugged it down in one go trying not to gag.

I was quick to grab my toothbrush and brush my teeth.

Teeth brushed.

It was time to tackle the bird's nest.

I grabbed my brush and got to work.

After what felt like hours my hair was finally down.

My scalp was so relieved.

Beauty is pain but this was too much.

Still feeling disgusting I turned the shower on.

The warm water did wonders for my muscles but it also made me even more sleepy.

I washed my hair and loaded it with a shit ton of conditioner.

I am pretty sure my aggressive brushing made some damage so I am hoping the conditioner will help.

After my shower, I dried myself and my hair and moved on to my skincare.

I was about to moisturize my body when someone knocked on the door.

- Y/N baby are you there?(Draco)

Draco's sleepy voice asked.

- Yeah I am here.(Y/N)

I replied moving on with my moisturizing.

I heard the door open and in walked Draco.

Unlike me, he looked perfect.

- My muscles are killing me.(Draco)

Draco said kissing my shoulder.

- So were mine but I drank the potion, you should do the same.(Y/N)

I replied grabbing my serums.

Draco made a disgusted face but reached into the cupboard for a vial of said potion.

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