Getting ready for Hogwarts

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~~Your pov~~

Today is Friday, January second.

Yesterday I barely moved.

I woke up feeling like I had fallen off my broom.

I took a shower and got changed into some comfy pajamas before going downstairs.

I am not proud of this but my first instinct was to check the fridge for leftover seafood.

I found some and then ate it.

It tasted so fucking good and it hit the spot. 

I did nothing else for the rest of the day except eat seafood, sleep and watch television.

The boys were both hungover and spend the day just like me. 

Today I feel much more refreshed and ready to get into action.

I spent my morning finishing my History of Magic.

It felt so rewarding to finally finish it.

Happy I grabbed my school bag to put my essay away before I forgot but my happiness soon died seeing the state of my bag.

It was so messy.

Without thinking twice I dumped everything into my bed.

Thankfully I left all my school books back at Hogwarts.

I had so many random pieces of parchment shoved inside my poor bag and most of them are random drawings that Blaise made when he was bored and then gave me. 

I looked through my mess and this is what I found:

New and used pieces of parchment.

Empty bottles of ink.

A broken quill.

A random lipstick.

My missing tie.

Empty pack of gum.

A cereal bar.

My makeup bag with a lonely tampon and two lip balms.

For whatever reason a bezoar.

The elf bar Theo gave me.

Lost galleons.

A picture of me and Draco that Pansy took with her special camera that prints the pictures instantly.


And finally my pencil pouch with my quills and some other random stationery bits.

I looked everywhere for that tie.

I took it off during potions class and when it was time to put it back on before DADA I had no idea where I put it.

I should have checked my bag earlier.

I threw away all the trash and the cereal bar since it was out of date and organized everything. 

I really need to restock this and pack my trunk with new winter and spring clothes before I go back to school on Sunday.

I walked over to my desk and grabbed a piece of parchment and a pen.

I am gonna make a list of what I need to buy to take back to Hogwarts.

The most important thing is tampons, I am already running low on them when I left so I really need to buy more.

I also need more hair and bath products.

That's it I am going shopping.

I wrote down everything I needed and made my little list.

- Aren't you coming down for lunch today?(Jonathan)

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