Have a Jolly, Sluggy Christmas

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Today is Friday and well let's just say this week has been everything but calm. Getting back into routine wasn't easy but thankfully most of the teachers took it easy on you. Unfortunately, Binns was an exception, and as soon as he had all of his students present he wasted no time handing out a quiz. None of you were prepared for it but thankfully it was an easy topic. Passing notes and exchanging quizzes you all managed to copy off each other and have a good grade. Even Harry and Ron took part in that dark scheme which didn't go noticed by Hermione. Thankfully she kept quiet which was the first smart thing she ever did for as long as you know her, which isn't actually that long. 

Unfortunately, Binn's quiz wasn't the weirdest thing that happened this week.  Ever since the week started Draco has been acting somewhat weird. He and Blaise seem to always be whispering and randomly going to Hogsmeade after class. Yesterday the two of them went on another of their Hogsmeade trips leaving you and Theo alone with Crabbe and Goyle since Pansy and Daphne were stuck hearing Astoria's latest drama. When you expressed your concerns to Theo he simply said they were probably doing cocaine and didn't want to tell you.

 On top of all that drama, there's also the mysterious disappearance of your necklace. Blaise has been loving having you create tiny crystal figurines with your voice and some random candies he steals from Crabbe but you on the other end are terrified of something happening. By now Blaise has four crystal figurines one of a bottle of vodka, a tiny dog resembling Khaleesi, a replica of his car, and funny enough a pansy flower which he lies it's his mother's favorite flower and it has nothing to do with Pansy. Knowing full well That Reagan's favorite flowers are hydrangeas, you shut kept your mouth shut and agreed to everything Blaise said. 

As if all that drama wasn't enough, today you have Slughorn's Christmas party. Since the school year started he has been throwing various dinners for which you received various invites for but unfortunately, you didn't have the time to attend any of them. It saddened you to disappoint him especially since your parents never missed one of his dinners but thankfully he loves quidditch and understood that you couldn't attend any of his dinners since you were focused on winning the tournament. 

Right now you are sitting with Theo in your room after Blaise and Draco left for another Hogsmeade trip. Since you have a free period during the afternoon, Blaise and Draco left as soon as lunch ended.

- What do you think of this one?(Theo)

Theo questioned showing you his cell phone. For the past twenty minutes, Theo has been showing you pictures of cars since he decided to learn how to drive. Unfortunately, he wants you to teach him just like you taught Blaise.

- I love Blaise's car but I don't want something like that, I want something more discreet like a Porsche or an Audi.(Theo)

- I get it. Blaise's G wagon is very flashy especially since it's blue.(Y/N)

- Exactly. I am not gonna lie, Blaise's car is a great and powerful machine and I would love to have one but I am not ready for the attention.(Theo)

- Yeah I know. My cousins love the attention, they both have G wagons and from what I gathered the color doesn't matter, they will always get attention.(Y/N)

- I will decide on something, eventually.(Theo)

Theo said finally putting his cell phone away. 

- So what are you wearing tonight? Hopefully, it's something pink.(Theo)

- Though luck Theo, my dress isn't pink.(Y/N)

- Dammit, I am stuck wearing a pink tie again.(Theo)

Theo groaned burning his face in one of the couch pillows.

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