Hogwarts is the best

322 11 28

TW: use and talk of drugs

Today is Sunday the day after you won the quidditch tournament and the day of the ball. Dumbledore had decided to cancel the Christmas ball and instead have a ball with the three schools to honor the first-ever quidditch tournament or at least that's what he told the other schools. In reality, this was a ball to commemorate the Hogwarts victory and show everyone how powerful you are. Dumbledore is no fool, he knew Hogwarts would win that's why he never interfered when you punched Zayden nor when Clifford and Jonathan started playing in your spot and Blaise's. In his eyes, you were honoring the school in the true Slytherin way. Plus he only accepted to participate in the tournament because he knew his team would win and Hogwarts would win two more trophies to adorn the trophy room. Truth be told Dumbledore is a savage and loves a good victory. 

Right now is around ten am and you woke up hearing a pounding on the door.

- Five more minutes.(Y/N)

You yelled to whoever was at the door, burying your face in Draco's naked chest again. Unfortunately whoever was at the door didn't hear you and kept knocking.

- Darling it's fine I will go get it.(Draco)

Draco said, his hand rubbing circles in your naked back.

- No, you stay right here I am very comfortable right now.(Y/N)

Just as you said that the door opened.

- I am coming in and I have my eyes closed in case you are naked.(Pansy)

Pansy said stumbling into the room.

- Fuck you.(Draco)

Draco said pulling the covers to make sure your body is covered.

- How did you get in here anyways?(Draco)

- Blaise opened the door but he ran away right after.(Pansy)

Pansy replied nearly falling into the couch.

- Oh bloody hell I almost fell over.(Pansy)

- Pans you can open your eyes.(Y/N)

You finally said deciding that you wouldn't get any more sleep. Pansy quickly opened her eyes only to trip on the carpet and fall right into the couch.

- I am okay.(Pansy)

Pansy said giving you a thumbs up which made you laugh. You might have gotten annoyed for being woken up in such a harsh way but you can't be mad at your best friend especially when she makes you laugh.

- So are you ready?(Pansy)

Pansy questioned while adjusting her coat.

- Ready for what?(Y/N)

- For our girl's day silly. Wait did you forget about our plans?(Pansy)

Yes, you did, but Pansy doesn't need to know that.

- Of course not Pans.(Y/N)

- Great, I am gonna go fetch Daphne, see you in fifteen minutes.(Pansy)

With a smile, Pansy quickly left the room.

- You forgot didn't you?(Draco)

Draco questioned with a smirk.

- Yeah I did.(Y/N)

- I knew it. Go have a shower while I get you some clothes alright my love?(Draco)

- Yes thank you.(Y/N)

Giving Draco a kiss you quickly got out of bed and headed to the bathroom.

- Nice ass darling.(Draco)

In Love With My Best Friend²حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن