Hogwarts vs Durmstrang

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Today is Saturday, the day you have been dreading and fearing. The day of the first quidditch game against Durmstrang. Like always you woke up at seven am but instead of heading for breakfast, you headed to Madam Hooch's office alongside the others.

- I should have brought a jacket.(Blaise)

Blaise said while shoving his hands into the pockets of his hoodie.

- Same.(Draco)

Draco added wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer.

- What are we even doing here?(Theo)

Theo asked from his spot on the ground. Thankfully Madam's Hooch office was spacious enough to fit all of you but unfortunately, it didn't have many seats so Theo and some of the others resorted to sitting on the ground.

- No idea.(Y/N)

You whispered from Draco's lap.

- Mate I think you made a poor decision with those joggers.(Blaise)

Blaise said regarding Draco's grey joggers.

- Nah don't worry about it, Y/N will behave. Right my love?(Draco)

Draco whispered softly, his hands holding moving to caress your thighs.

- Yes.(Y/N)

You barely whispered while watching the snow fall outside the window.

- My ass is getting cold. Blaise, can we switch for a few minutes, please?(Theo)

Theo asked with pleading eyes.

- Fine but only for a few minutes.(Blaise)

A smile appeared on Theo's face as Blaise finally accepted his offer. The two boys then proceeded to switch seats much to Theo's happiness.

- Merlin's beard, how the fuck were you sitting on the ground?(Blaise)

- I asked myself the same thing.(Theo)

Theo said with a smirk.

- Where is that bloody woman?(Ron)

Ron yelled from across the room. Harry immediately covered his mouth, too embarrassed his best friend had yelled.

- Nothing to see here folks.(Ginny)

Ginny replied before giving Ron a glare. Thankfully Merlin heard Ron's whines and Madam Hooch appeared carrying a huge box, her lips porting a big smile.

- Goodmorning everyone.(Hooch)

- Goodmorning Madam Hooch.

Everyone replied, knowing damn well the old woman gets mad when not greeted properly.

- Thank you for meeting me here at such an early hour.(Hooch)

With a thump, Madam Hooch placed the box down on her desk. Making everyone look at it with surprise.

- Madam what's on the box?(Harry)

Harry asked taking on for the team.

- Oh that? It's the new balls for today's game.(Hooch)

In a swift motion, Madam Hooch turned around and opened the box.

- Behold your new best friends.(Hooch)

Madam Hooch said while holding a shiny black quaffle with the Hogwarts crest on silver.

- Malfoy, Potter I know you are used to looking for a shiny gold ball but this one is silver. Keep your eyes open.(Hooch)

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