Happy Birthday Ivy

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Time skip to January 29th:

The game between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor already happened, and Gryffindor won.

~~Draco's pov~~

- Are you sure this will work?(Draco)

- Absolutely.(Blaise)

Blaise whispered back.

Today is Y/N's birthday and we are trying to make her a surprise.

I have been planning this for months.

Last year I made her a gift hunt and took her out for dinner in the astronomy tower. This year I need to top it off.

My plan is to play it cool and when the night comes show her the big surprise.

Right now is seven am, an hour before Y/N usually wakes up to get ready for class.

Me, Blaise and Pansy are trying our best to decorate everything.

Well me and Pansy.

Blaise is currently in bed wearing my pyjamas with his arms around Y/N.

He is pretending to be me, so Y/N wouldn't notice the empty bed.

I am not gonna lie but it was hard to sneak out of bed.

I had to get up quickly and Blaise had to take my place even quicker.

- She is so warm.(Blaise)

Blaise whispered pulling Y/N closer.

I could kill him for that but I won't.

Today is my princess's special day and no one will ruin it.

- Oh my Merlin Draco these flowers are beautiful.(Pansy)

Pansy whispered after setting down the box of flowers I got Y/N.

They are special roses from a brand called The Million Roses.

I got Y/N a heart-shaped box with white and gold roses.

I thought about getting her more diamond roses but I decided to do something different.

These roses are practically eternal like our love.

Here I am being a simp but I can't help it.

I love that woman so damn much.

- Mate can I have one of those chocolates?(Blaise)

Blaise whispered when I set down the box of chocolates I bought Y/N.

- No, now shut up.(Draco)

I whispered back.

This guy is gonna ruin our plan.

Fortunately, Blaise stayed quiet and played his part while we set everything up.

We hang a happy birthday banner alongside some balloons and put her gifts on display.

- Theo just texted me that Greg finished the cake.(Draco)

I whispered to Pansy that was making sure everything was perfect.

Minutes later we heard a soft knock on the door.

Very carefully I opened it and Greg, Vince, Daph and a very sleepy Theo stepped in.

- What do you think?(Goyle)

Gregory asked showing me the cake he baked for Y/N.

The cake was round and had emerald green frosting with eighteen green candles on top.

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