Girl's day

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~~Your pov~~

Today is Friday and Merlin have mercy this week started off great but now it's far from it.

Let's see on Tuesday when me and Graham were leaving the Arithmancy classroom Zacharias thought it would be fun to make Graham push Graham down the stairs.

Thankfully I was fast enough and grabbed his hand before he fell.

And guess what happened next?

Graham punched Zacharias for trying to do such a thing.

The two idiots started fighting and I had to be the one to break them apart.

I almost got detention because of them but Professor Vector took pity on me and invited me for tea where I told her everything that happened.

In conclusion, the two boys got detention and I had tea with Professor Vector.

The next day, guess what me and Graham decided to do?

Go back to the chamber of secrets.

It was terrible.

Graham slipped and fell into the dirty water.

I tried to help him out but slipped on the algae and landed my ass on the stone-cold floor.

It hurt like a bitch and I am pretty sure Graham saw my underwear.

It's safe to say the walk up the stairs wasn't pleasant at all.

On Thursday thankfully nothing happened but my ass still hurt like a bitch.

I ended up having to go to Madam Ponfrey which was embarrassing as fuck but she gave me a tonic that took the pain away.

Blaise was having quite a laugh watching me struggle to walk and I nearly hit him.

When I was good as new I met up with Graham and gave him a ring I made out of a dry four-leaf clover and a few drops of Felix Felicius to try to give him a little more luck.

This morning when I woke up I prayed to Merlin that today would be better and so far so good.

I had pancakes for breakfast, the sun is shining, I am wearing my precious shoes and Trelawney isn't saying a bunch of nonsense.

I have a feeling today is going to be great.

- Nott put that weird device away.(Trelawney)

Trelawney said not even looking at Theo.

Theo was taken aback but nevertheless put his phone away.

- Boy I think you should write to your mother something has changed.(Trelawney)

Trewlaney said to Blaise.

He immediately grew nervous.

- What happened is she alright?(Blaise)

- It's not my place to tell.(Trelawney)

Professor Trelawney said with a sad expression.

Blaise immediately grabbed his phone and most likely texted his mother.

- Do not forget the letters SDM, the time is coming.(Trelawney)

Trelawwney said looking me dead in the eyes.

A chill crept up my back and I had the urge to give her the middle finger.

She has been talking about those letters since last year and nothing has happened.

See this is why I prefer Arithmancy.

Professor Vector doesn't tell me riddles that she supposedly sees with her inner eye.

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