Theo wants a cellphone

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Today is Saturday and two weeks have passed since you had returned to Hogwarts after a weekend at castle Ivy. Jonathan had kept his promise and has been sending you weekly gifts. Last week he had sent you a crown with two horns, one of them being broken and when you asked him what it was he explained it was Sylvie's, another Loki variant, crown. This week he had sent you a bottle of Vișinată, some Romanian drink he really liked along with a picture of him and Clifford at some party during the weekend. Not much had happened these two weeks except the meeting between the head boy and girl, the heads of houses, and the headmaster. In that meeting, not much was discussed but you and Draco made sure to bring up the fact that there wasn't a single quidditch game scheduled. Dumbledore didn't tell you the reason why and just told you to not worry and just keep practicing which is something you haven't stop doing. Right now you are sitting in the hang-out room with Draco, Blaise, and Theo resting after a long and tiring quidditch practice. Crabbe and Goyle had skipped practice and had run off with Pansy and Daphne to Hogsmeade to buy candy to restock the candy box you have in the hang-out room.

- Alright we need to decide the rest of the costumes for the parties.(Blaise)

Blaise said after looking through the notebook where he had all the party plans written.

- Shouldn't the others be present?(Y/N)

- Yes but it's not like we are going to make the finals decisions.(Blaise)

- Right.(Y/N)

- Just so you know I haven't changed my mind, we aren't dressing as marvel characters or Greek gods.(Theo)

- Why is that Theodore?(Blaise)

- Have you seen greek gods? They are basically dressed in sheets, I am not dressing like that.(Theo)

- Theodore I told you we aren't getting dressed in sheets.(Blaise)

- Whatever, it's still a no, and please stop calling me Theodore you sound like my father.(Theo)

- What about the marvel costumes? What do you have against marvel?(Blaise)

- I prefer DC.(Theo)

- Dammit Theo, why can't you prefer Marvel? I already had the outfits planned. I literally watched every single movie and tv show there is to get to know all the characters.(Blaise)

- Dude  if you want the rest of you can dress up as marvel characters but don't count me in.(Theo)

- What do I have to do to get you to dress up as a marvel character?(Blaise)

- I don't know.(Theo)

- Fucking hell Theodore.(Blaise)

Blaise groaned and sat down in the couch again before bruing his face on a pillow.

- Get me a cellphone.(Theo)

Theo suddenly said making Blaise look up.

- What?(Blaise)

- You heard me, get me a cellphone and I will dress up as a marvel character. I want to communicate with that brick like you do and take pictures.(Theo)

- Alright I will get you a cellphone.(Blaise)

- I want it today.(Theo)

- Fine but I hope you are ready to spend the day at the ministry of magic.(Blaise)

- Why?(Theo)

- Blondies explain.(Blaise)

- Cellphones are muggle devices and they work with muggle things like internet. If you want a cellphone you need to buy it and take it to the department of muggle studies at the ministry where they will changed the muggle software for the wizard version. For example muggles have a thing called netflix but we have wizardflix.(Y/N)

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