Chapter 25 "Catalyst"

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A/N: Hey there readers! Welcome to Chapter 25! This is a decently sized chapter though it only has four major scenes but it makes up for having over 7k words. This chapter doesn’t have a lot of battle scenes as it's a more talking chapter but I do plan on the next chapter to have at least 1 battle happening. Hope you all enjoyed the prologue and thanks for spending your time reading this chapter!

'Text' = Thoughts

"Text" = Radio talk/ghost mentally talking

[Guardian’s Ketch | Asteroid Belt, Sol System]

The Guardian looked at his newest weapon added to his arsenal as he sat on a worn bed. It was called ‘Delicate Tomb’ a powerful fusion rifle that shot out Arc energy, its blue and white insignia made the weapon look even more elegant. But as the guardian continued to look at its design, his mind would be elsewhere…

The Guardian had traveled to Europa to confirm the reports of House Salvation activities seemingly skyrocketing for unknown reasons but the truth would be discovered in the form of a broken prison of Stasis that once held the Kell of Darkness, Eramis.

With her free and unleashed back into the Sol System, many Fallen pirate bands who still respected her name would join under her banner. These pirates would be called the “Old Crews.”

And they would travel across the system in search of relics, unknown artifacts that oozed with Darkness. With little information on what these artifacts could do and that Eramis was free, the Vanguard had sent in the Guardian to assemble his own crew to reach the relics before Eramis could. The reason behind this was the fact that both Vanguard leaders had their own plans with threats in the system.

Zavala getting ready for whatever the missing Cabal Emperor Calus was planning after the events in the Leviathan, and Ikora and her Hidden searching for Eramis but to no avail. This had left the Guardian with little support from the Vanguard but the God-Slayer had managed to find help from the Drifter, House Light, and Spider’s Crime Syndicate.

However as he laid in bed, there was a gut feeling that something was wrong. The Guardian couldn’t explain it but this all felt like some ploy by the Witness. The only thing that eases his mind was the fact that Mithrax and Eido were investigating relics they had managed to retrieve from pirate holdouts.

“So far Eido hasn’t gotten much from the only relic you managed to retrieve Guardian,” Ghost said as he watched his guardian thinking to himself. The two pretty much shared the same regarding the whole situation they had found themselves in.

The God-Slayer sighed as he got up from the bed, shaking off dust that had managed to get on his cloak. He would then leave the room as he traveled deeper into the Ketch he now commanded. The Guardian watched as he saw patrolling Fallen, holding spears that emitted a blue hue at the tip, marched down the hallway he was in.

It was interesting to look back on how far the relationship between Humanity and the Eliksni had grown in the past years. Of course many Fallen still wished to end Humanity but the few groups like the House of Light and House of Spider, a crime syndicate ruled over by the Spider, working alongside the Last City were the bridges that can hopefully one day bring true peace from the bloody past they both shared.

However the Guardian would soon find himself in what essentially was a vault, the only place in the Ketch that held the recently acquired second relic. Looking at it only made the Guardian wonder what it can do if reunited with the rest of the relics.

The Relic that the Guardian and the Vanguard had been searching only seemed to be contained in jars of varying sizes so far. The one that was in the vault was a big golden tinted jar that held no glass to peer into but if the first relic was anything to go by, there was likely another organic piece inside. But the question still remained, who did these parts belong to?

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