Chapter 6 "Attack on the Temple, Pt 3"

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A/N: sorry for long title lol. Anyways that's for reading as always! And I hope you enjoy the final chapter of the Temple arc. Things in the story will slow down soon so Hus'Ak can get some rest.
Hey! We just reached 5k words! I was not expecting to reach that amount today.

[Savathûn's Throne World| Miasma Altar]

Ducking under the torch wielding raider Hus'Ak quickly moved away from the scorn and fired at a Scorn Chieftain shield device. Uul'Nath quickly disposes of the earlier raider and throws a vortex grenade at any scorn too close at their position. The abomination proves to still be annoying with Hex complains about the ridiculous amounts of times an Abomination bothered them.

A/N: Ah! She realized!

Peeking his head out Hus'Ak bends his body left to fire at the scorn furthest from the wave of enemies. A sudden pain came into Hus'Ak ears. "HUS'AK WATCH OUT!" Hex yelled.

Looking up only to see a pillar being thrown at his direction. All of his eyes widen in brief panic before running out of cover as the pillar made a part of the stone bridge collapse into the murky water bellow. Hus'Ak felt two arc bolts hit his back but quickly runs to Uul'Nath who was taking cover at the time. Uul'Nath looks at Hus'Ak and gave the guardian his attack plan.

"Just seems like it's us versus him now, I'm gonna use my super to launch from you behind and I want you to use your super once there." His imposing voice ordered. With a nod Hus'Ak ran first at the abomination who fired of course but it's attack was dodged. Uul'Nath glowed and shined brightly with Void energy as his two shields materialized, getting Hus'Ak attention with a roar the other Hive guardian began to ran in the opposite direction of the abomination.

Hus'Ak jumped into the air and was launched by Uul'Nath shield slam causing the guardian to fly near the abomination closed off face. Doing a quick additional jump Hus'Ak was a few inches away from the neck of the abomination which conveniently wasn't covered by fungus. Doing a similar move to that of the blade barrage, Hus'Ak flung his fiery thorny knife at it's neck. Luckily the blades pierced the rotten flesh of the scorn and it fell disenigrating into ash that was blown away.

"Yeah! Take that!" Yelled Uul'Nath ghost who materialized in celebration. But was quickly pushed away by the Hive Knight, seemed like to be a running thing between the two. Shrugging his shoulder, a gesture that Hex didn't know he could do, walked away from the other guardian and down towards the altar at the end of the bridge. Though moss covered the broken statute it was still something unknown to him. Hex seemed to reaffirm his thoughts.

"I have no idea what species the statue is referring to. Obviously not Cabal or Vex, a Thrall perhaps? No that's dumb why would scorn worship the hive." Hex said to herself.

Cabal? Vex? Hus'Ak thought to himself most likely another hostile species that he will one day have to face.

A/N: wink

"Look there" pointed Uul'Nath at a foggy collection of orange mist. Hus'Ak was about to touch it but his arm was held back by Uul'Nath who stared at him, eventually letting go Hus'Ak was free to touch this mist. Channeling the light into his hand the mist was evaporated forcibly and in front of the guardian now lied a twirling mass that glowed in the center. Uul'Nath pushed aside the guardian and walked right in nonchalantly.

"Jerk" Hex said to Hus'Ak who again shrugged his shoulders as he wasn't bothered by it. The last guardian proceeded to walk in as well, darkness instantly surrounded his vision as he felt his body drift.

[Savathûn's Throne World | The Forthcoming Chambers]

The sounds of two pairs of feet landed harshly on the rocky terrain. The figures both had their weapons out but was quickly surprised by the sheer quietness of the foggy room. You can't even describe as a room since it really wasn't. It was more like the temple was an empty shell nothing but barren land. But everything seemed gigantic like they themselves were shrunken down. But the two could barely see anything except when squinting their eyes they could see a faint dirt trail.

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