Filler Story for Readers

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A/N: Hey there everyone. It's been a long time since I updated Lucent Eyes, don't worry I'm back in action. I am 2/3 done with Chapter 9, I just gotta write out one section of it and then I'll review and publish it for all of you patience readers to enjoy.

As a sort of appetizer for you guys waiting here was a pretty much scrapped AU Destiny Story I wanted to make but realized that I should really focus on finishing Lucent Eyes.

This story was called Bastion. And the plan was to let you guys, create your own custom races (not too op btw) and I would implement them somehow into this Destiny Universe. I feel like I was thinking way over my head (which I might as well) and decided to scrap it.

But while you guys wait, here was the first chapter of Bastion: Eleshia, the first lightbearer; and Fynch, the last ghost.

Cries of anguish echoed throughout the air. Cities torn apart through terrifying darkness that ripped across the continents. In Deep space, ships attempting to flee the carnage were hunted down and destroyed. Their mechanical parts wandered aimlessly in the vacuum of space. Across the system, soldiers fired into the unknown only to be swallowed as their enemies got closer... the skies darken... the only source of light was the Traveler.

The Traveler floated above the Pacific Ocean. It did nothing to stop the carnage around it. It ignored the cries of pleas for it. It did nothing.

As huge tetrahedron ships glided closer and closer to the Traveler, it did nothing but... It was too late... Humanity was extinct, their golden age collapsed the moment the Darkness found the one thing that could rival its power.

The Traveler itself shimmered with unknown light. The Light around it glistened and wove its way across the once clean white sphere. The Traveler glowed brighter and brighter before a blast of pure Light was brought forth from its shell. The Pyramid ships in close vicinity were instantly destroyed, their hull exploded and disintegrated into nothing.

From space, a huge ball of light continued to grow and grow, enveloping those inside into a realm of brightness. It got further and further away from Earth.

First Mars... it grew past Jupiter...Then the outer reaches of the Solar System.

From afar it would seem like the Sun went supernova but that was not the case. Instead, all of the forces of Darkness were gone. The Earth calmed as if the thing standing on it got off. The ocean underneath the Traveler created a whirlpool as the Traveler fired a beam of Light into the Earth. Silence was all that was left.

The sentient life on Earth was gone. The white sphere made a decision that day, using most of its strength, The Traveler left the orbit of Earth. A trail of Light was made as the Traveler went its way to Titan. There another beam was fired into the ocean. But that was it...this attempt was finished, but this was not the end.

The Traveler left the Solar System in search of a new world...


Laid against a worn tree was the skeletal remains of a woman, her robes, old and worn. The sunlight pierced the tree's pink calm leaves. Nearby, the waves of an ocean crashed onto the scattered rocks of the shore.

In the sky, dozens of moons orbited the planet. In the distance was a band of unknown animals, but something was approaching. A drone of sorts approached the body, the grass around it was pushed away as it made its way towards the skeleton.

Blue light pushed its way out of its eye and watched the body closely. In a flash, life was given to the once skeletal remains. Light covered the remains, from head to toe, flesh was given back to the body. Bodily functions were returned, and a Light bearer was created.

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