Chapter 2 "A Thorn from a Scorn"

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[Savathûn’s Throne World | Outside the Sepulcher ]

Hus’Ak ran through the bone covered walls stepping through some Hive remains but eventually reached outside of the tomb. A bright light blinds Hus’Ak as he looks in awe of Savathûn’s Throne World, different translucent lines travel through the air, each one emitting a different shade of green and black. The Guardian looked ahead to see two arching spikes behind a tall fountain, Hus’Ak doubts he could reach there before looking around to take in the view.

Spikes adorned the walls as a beautiful type of moss leaned against the chitin walls. A creature the size of a human hand flew up to Hus’Ak face. It was his ghost now named Hex, as she suggested as her new name before they got out of the Sepulcher talked to Hus’Ak  “Welcome to Savathûn’s Throne World! I am so excited to show you around! And look how beautiful it is!” Hex flew up into the air to see a small force of Lucent Hive forces march out of a nearby Hive building. “Ok Hus’Ak! It seems like our allies are heading to Miasma, come on let's go!” Hus’Ak nodded before running at full speed to join his fellow Hive.

At first Hus’Ak expected these non-lightbearer Hive to attack him but they did not. When he got there a sort of positive feeling created from the group and him. Hus’Ak began to follow a Hive Knight on the clean white road, He is still in awe of the beautiful gardens of the Throne World, hundreds of red bushes grow from their respective gardens. Just as he was taking in the view a gruff voice erupted in his head, Hus’Ak looked around for the source of the voice before Hex started talking “Don’t worry, that's 1st Ghost Immaru, he’s in command of the Hive Ghost network and is in charge of Hive Guardian' deployment.” Hus’Ak then understood, this was what Hex was talking about earlier when they met.

Then Immaru’s voice spoke “Attention all Lucent Hive, Immaru here with your marching orders” Hus’Ak believed this ghost must be very powerful (A/N: No, he’s just a bully to other ghosts), before listening once again. “The Scorn believe they can push through our forces in the Misama, Don’t let them or we’re gonna have more problems then Scorn…” Hus’Ak tilted his head in confusion as he continued to follow his fellow Hive brothers. Hex spoke in his head “He’s likely referring to the Guardians. He’s right though, if we don’t stop this Scorn push then the Guardians could come in and attack our weakened defenses. And we don’t have the experience to fight a Guardian…”

Hus’Ak could see a distant object beckoning to him, a slight pull, a feeling of Darkness. It was a pyramid, it was sleek and perfect from any imperfections at least in his eyes. It emitted a feeling of fear inside the Hive Guardian, his thoughts were cut off as Hex spoke again. “That's from the Darkness…please don’t ever go there.” Hus’Ak looked once again before entering the swampy lands of the Misama.


[Savathûn’s Throne World | Misama]

Dark and wet was all Hus’Ak could really say. Fallen logs littered the mucky and gross swamp water, the tree’s leaves dipped closer and closer to the ground almost reaching it but never could. Hus’Ak could see Hive barricades as Hive Acolytes fired void like projectiles at small crawling Scorn enemies. A being of four arms crawled quickly at an Acolyte, its arms and body bloated and revealed a bluish hue. Hus’Ak used his crossbow at the Screeb instantly exploding it but killing the poor Hive Acolyte as it disintegrated into black ash with green flames that fell into the swampy water.

“That is a Scorn Screeb, their known to charge at an enemy and explode, keep your distance Hus’Ak!” Hex instructed the Hive Guardian. Hus’Ak quickly sprinted towards a Hive barricade taking cover from Scorn snipers known as Scorn Raiders. Their void projectiles bounced off the thick black barricades. A tall being with a bloated face and a row of mismatched teeth roared at the Scorn before firing a barrage of purple light at the Scorn forces. The force of Hive ran through the muddy waters, Hive Knights quickly ripped apart at Scorn Ravagers. Hus’Ak ran after them, he jumped into the air and on instinct he double jumped again.

His chitin foot landed gently on the wet piece of land elevated slightly above the main battlefield, Hus’Ak dodged a Ravager attack. The Scorn had an undying determination to kill the Hive Guardian, using its fiery weapon the Scorn uppercutted the Guardian sending it flying and breaking his jaw. Hus’Ak screamed in pain as his voice became unintelligible, in a fit of anger the Guardian activated his super. Flames erupted throughout his body but it did him no harm, five fiery blades emerged from the Hive Guardian sides. Hus’Ak released the blades onto the Scorn Ravager. One by one the blades quickly flew towards the Scorn, and upon impact the ravager simply became a pile of ash.

Hus’Ak jumped from the elevated platform and onto the battlefield, thralls charged at Scorn forces as Acolytes fired from behind. The Hive Guardian ran towards the scorn, his flames only growing in intensity as his anger. More knives flew by him instantly disintegrating the unfortunate Scorn got in the fire. His crossbow bolts grew in power and were unleashed onto scorn screens creating a series of explosions. Then the fire went out, Hex spoke in Hus’Ak’s head “WOW! Your awesome Hus’Ak! I knew I picked the one” Hex proceeded to giggle. Hus’Ak saw the leader of the Scorn attack force. The Scorn captain was definitely in a fit of rage, the scorn spoked in a language Hus’Ak wasn't able to pick up on but Hex clarified what it said. “Hus’Ak! He’s trying to retreat, don't let him!” Hus’Ak nodded.

The Hive Guardian ran past the ongoing chaos of Hive defenders and the Scorn invaders. A screeb did try to jump at Hus’Ak but the Hive Guardian simply shot it without looking back. Looking at the different shaded sky the Guardian saw Hive tomb ships summoning more soldiers to support the defenders. Hus’Ak saw the retreating figure of the Scorn captain, the captain was retreating to the far side of the swamp, the swamp eventually led to steep cliffs overlooking an endless sight of swamps and mountains. Readying his crossbow he prepared the shot. Only to be shot by an electric bolt sending the Hive Guardian body tumbled against the dirt staining his armor. Hus’Ak noticed he was hanging off the steep cliff, but fortune soon ran out as the branch holding his foot broke apart.

The Guardian’s face slammed into a ragged piece of rock, Hus’Ak face splintered and cracked at the initial contact eventually leading the Hive Guardian face scattering into shards as his body plummeted into the darkness. All he heard before falling into the rock were the panicked screams of Hex as the rock came closer.

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