Lucent Eyes: Dawning Special

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Author Notes:

Hey there everyone!
This is a Christmas special I planned on making for all of you guys to read and enjoy.

Now it's time for Hus'Ak and Hex experience the joy of dawning together! But there is a slight problem...

The Lucent Eyes story started during the Season of Risen. Dawning shouldn't even be happening until somewhere in the future in the last season for Destiny 2 this year.

So there is a huge, HUGE, gap for our overall lucent eyes timeline. But in order to make this story possible... Consider this chapter non canon to the story.

But then again... You could consider canon too. I'll let you readers consider whether this story is canon or not to the Lucent Eye's timeline. Just be warned that there might be some things completely different.



Now enjoy the Christmas special! And Merry Christmas!


[The Helm | Location Unknown]

"I knew it! That bastard Clovis was definitely up to something" Osiris cursed towards the figure a head of him. His bird like helmet feathers ruffling as the man moved about.

"Osiris, calm down! There has been no move made by my grandfather, for all we know he could be dead. That move he tried could've killed him." Told Ana Bray would tried to keep the feathery scholar calm.

"No, there is no way Clovis is dead! That man knows what he is doing! If he gets control of the Warming Systems..." Osiris allowed that thought to sink in for those inside the room.

Suddenly, a voice echoed through the room bringing the two towards the source. A limbless Exo who eyes shined a bright red moved up and down to get their attention.

"If I may Ana..." Rasputin spoke, the once powerful AI ever created by Humanity during their Golden Age was now stripped from his systems thanks to the Darkness. But thanks to the efforts of Ana Bray, and others the exiled warmind now has a chance to retake it's stolen abilities.

"I have not spotted Clovis Bray in any of the reclaimed sub facilities that you all managed to recapture. And thanks to the Guardian, my sensors have been upgraded." Rasputin told the rest of his good news but Osiris was still paranoid.

Osiris walked up to the Exo frame and pointed at it's torso, "Keep searching." Ordered the warlock. Ana walks up to the two, "Look my sister and Hus'Ak have been patrolling Clovis facilities in order to investigate his disappearance, I know they can definitely prevent the Hive there access to the facility systems."

Osiris thoughts went towards the Hive Guardian that recently joined the Vanguard, Hus'Ak, that is what it called itself. He doesn't know what Ikora was thinking letting a potential dangerous factor enter the Last City walls.

Ana Bray sensed what Osiris was thinking, "If your worried about Hus'Ak losing control especially now that he knows how to use Status, dont. I met with him myself. The Guardian, Crow, and I know he is on our side."

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