Chapter 13 "Europa's Watchers"

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A/N: You might have noticed how Varik speaks in the story. I'm still trying out how he would talk to Hus'Ak and stuff so I'm experimenting with that so bear with me. Anyways! I hope you readers are excited for this book! This is Chapter 13 (Collection) or Chapter 1 (Book II)! I hope you guys enjoy it!


[Vestian Outpost | Caron's Crossing, Europa ]

All three of Hus'Ak's lucent eyes slowly brought themselves from the darkness of sleep. He could feel that his body was burned and scarred, but that was not all as well. Surrounding his entire body except for his head was a huge mass of Stasis ice, apprehending him from any movement or escape. Hus'Ak began to shake, trying to see if the ice prison would move but to no avail.

Knowing when to stop, Hus'Ak looked around his surroundings. He couldn't do anything, he was stuck but it was at least good to know he was not captured by the Lucent Hive. The room was dimly lit, but his eyes adjusted to the light and was able to see the room. It was weird, it was not similar to any Hive architecture of the Throne World. The Hive guardian felt a rush of relief, he was safe from the Lucent Hive, at least for now he believed.

But back to the room, the ceiling was not fit for the size of a Hive Guardian like him. The room was filled with broken and old technology, though Hus'Ak wouldn't know that yet. But something would freak him out, a weird creature stared at the Hive guardian. Its body was boxy and it held soulless eyes, it was unknowingly one of the many Penguin explorer plushies found across the planet Europa.

Hus'Ak head could no longer move so much to fully see his surroundings, the Hive guardian continued to look at the penguin plush with intensity. A pit of fear grew as he stared into the plushie's lifeless eyes, but then, the sliding of doors would bring Hus'Ak attention elsewhere. A cloaked figure walked inside the dimly lit room, she was a female humanoid but her appearance reminded Hus'Ak of the first ghost he killed in the Throne World.

Her face was mechanical in nature, in fact, her entire body was. Her pupils glowed a bright white, her exo plating was the same color as well. Covering her head was a blue and tan colored cloak that stacked on the left side of her torso before dripping slightly past her elbow, she wore a tight intricate designed piece of clothing.

Across her waist was a belt containing unknown things, and her right arm was reinforced with plating that traveled from her wrist to elbow. A blade-like object protruded from the armor on her arm, on her back was a weird looking rifle to Hus'Ak.

Hus'Ak soon glared at the stranger when she revealed Hex in her hand, the Hive guardian attempted to use his newfound powers or his Light but found it impossible inside of the shard of Stasis covering him.

"Looking for this?" the Stranger spoke, her voice held no anger like Hus'Ak heard from his fellow Hive during his days of torture. It was the shard of Darkness! The stranger then placed the shard in one of her pockets while still holding onto the quiet Hex.

Hus'Ak stared at Hex before growling at the stranger, "Let...her...go..."

The Stranger watched the struggling Hive guardian before letting Hex fly off to Hus'Ak. Hex immediately got close to her guardian, "I-its ok, Hus'Ak. She and I were having a talk about how we got here.''

The stranger spoke up, the Exo Stranger would slowly walk to the imprisoned Hus'Ak, "Just call me stranger, your friend here told you about your situation. And," she paused, "your newfound powers, I'll let you out now."

The Exo Stranger held on the shard of Darkness before the stasis prison surrounding of Hus'Ak slowly melted away. The Hive guardian got up slowly before turning to Hex, his voice filled with concern, " ok?"

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