Chapter 57-Bide your time

Start from the beginning

"I don't think I can remain calm in front of her, or you for that matter. So, I'll see you later," Izuku said, still regretting his earlier outburst, as he prepared to jump out.

"You can always talk to me if something is bothering you. Don't forget that, handsome," Kafka said with a smile, winking at him, which made Izuku smile.

"Finally, someone's being a good boss," Izuku muttered before leaping out as time resumed.

Kafka immediately felt the effects of using Witch Time for so long, experiencing a massive headache and nausea.

Meanwhile, Izuku fell into the bushes 20 floors below, his energy depleted, creating a small crater and a splatter of blood.

"Sensei?" Mirio said as he saw izuku splatter onto the ground as he was confused.

"Wait, I could've sworn there were two of you," Inko said, blinking in confusion as she looked around, only to see Kafka clutching her head.

Aizawa was relieved to see Izuku somehow disappear, knowing it could have ended badly for Inko and UA if they had fought. He didn't know how Izuku had vanished, but he attributed it to something Kafka had done. Grateful, he gave her a thumbs up, and she smiled, wiping the sweat from her forehead.

"So... You're the woman who took my position away from me?" Inko said, looking down at the nauseous Kafka, who gritted her teeth, annoyed, her voice exacerbating her headache.

"Where's your boy toy? I heard there was another man teaching with you," Inko asked Kafka again, who sighed.

"Ugh... Can you shut up? I'm having a headache here!" Kafka snapped, her energy exploding and sending Inko flying back. Inko put her hands up defensively and prepared to retaliate.

"Sister!" Aizawa interjected, activating his Quirk on Inko and Kafka, though it seemed to affect Inko more.

"Calm down!" Aizawa demanded of Inko, who became visibly irritated.

"Calm down? She just attacked me!" Inko yelled angrily, pointing at Kafka, who glared back, her eyes strained.

"Only because she's currently dealing with a headache, and you barging in here all of a sudden does not help!" Aizawa yelled, glaring daggers at Inko, who sweat-dropped, nodding, a bit embarrassed and reluctant.

"Now, introduce yourself properly," Aizawa huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Inko Yagi or Green tornado at your service. I'm the number 5 hero in Japan." Inko introduced herself as Kafka looked at her for a second before looking away.

"Kafka" she said annoyed to be even talking to her as inko got a bit angry internally.

"The audacity of this b*tch!" She thought in her head as inko glared at Kafka who rolled her eyes at the hero's panthetic attempt.

"Eraser head could you please get her out? I have much paperwork to do and she won't make it any quicker." Kafka asked rubbing her temples.

"Let's go inko, I'm certain problem child is waiting for you at dagobah beach. You don't want to be late now do you?" Aizawa asked pulling inkos arm as he dragged the pro hero away.

"Wait! I still have things I want to yell at her!" Inko said trying to pull away as aizawa activated his quirk stopping inko as they left the office.

"Fucking hell and to think there's another younger and more annoying copy of her." Kafka groaned out as she approved izukus request for early weapons training.

Mirio was trying check to see if izuku was okay as his body was splattered on the ground and it was bleeding.

"Sensei! Don't go into the light! I'll cal a ambulance just hang on!" Mirio said as he took a phone out of his pocket and dialed emergency services.

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