Oscars winner

744 30 31

*General pov*


*A guard set down a briefcase and opened it, revealing it was stuffed with money. He turned it around and presented it to Seven*

Hugo : You see, my friend? You and I both understand how this world works

Seven : Money...


*He grinned and walked around the office*

Hugo : It makes the world work . Just think of it... currency is why this all happened . From simple numbers we made our world from the ground up... in only a couple thousand years we went from living in caves to owning this world *He said looking at a bill*

Seven : Indeed we did...

Hugo : But look now... all of our achievements... the thousands of years of history.... and we're supposed to be replaced by those THINGS ? *He asks looking outside into the arena at Echo team*

Seven : No... they should be all dealt with... they need to learn their place

Hugo : Are you sure you're not my twin brother ? *He chuckled and set the bill down*

Seven : I'm positive

Hugo : Then I think we have a deal then *He said smirking* I have a meeting to attend right now... escort Seven to his quarters and make sure he receives his weapons

*The guard saluted, and so did Seven as he left . They both walked down the hallway until they came across an armored double door*

Guard : Here *He said as he pulled out his keys and opened the door*

Seven : Alright...

*They walked in a Seven could see multiple racks of weapons and ammo . As they walked he eventually saw his weapons that were kept in holsters situated on a mannequin. Seven grabbed his weapons but didn't see Henry's wingman anywhere but he did notice the equipment of the others*

Guard : Here. Your one of us now *He said holding out a patch . It read Koden and it was what seemed to be a wolf head with multiple holes in it like gunshots*

Seven: Thank you *He took the patch and ripped the ATU patch off and put the Koden patch on before slipping the ATU patch into his pockets as they left*

Guard : Can I ask what that thing around your neck is ?

Seven : This ? *He pointed at the shock collar on his neck* damn furs put a shock collar on me

Guard : That's horrific but I'm not surprised they'd do that . Come on the doctor should be able to remove it

*Seven nodded and they took a detour and walked into a white room*

Guard : Doktorn! hjälp honom *He called out and soon a man who looked quite young walked over*

Doctor : Y-Yes ?

Guard : Help our friend here *He motioned to Seven who showed the Doctor his collar*

Doctor : Hmm... it'll be a bit difficult

Guard : Just work already

*The doctor reached over and grabbed some tools . He very carefully cut at the collar making sure to not slice Seven's neck open and he finally removed it as it fell to the ground*

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