infirmary 101

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*Seven opened his eyes to see a familiar white roof . He looked to his left to see Farrah on her phone*

Seven : Whatcha watching ? *He looked over to see what seemed like a couple kissing in a romance movie . It looked like a lion and a wolf from what Seven could make out*

*Farrah whipped her head to look at him in shook and immediately looked away and hid her phone in embarrassment . Under her fur she was red as a tomato*

Farrah : No-N-Nothing !

Seven : Don't hide it from me I already saw . I never took you to be that romantic

Farrah : Well... do you remember what I told you back then ? When we were on guard duty

*Seven thought for a moment before the memory came to mind*

Seven : Yeah I uh... I remember

*Farrah looked down at her lap as sadness took over her expression*

Farrah : I... I really loved him you know? I treated him with some more respect and I just... I don't know why he left me !

*She looked like on the verge of tears and her voice crumbling*

Farrah : I-I-I I just don't know anymore! I just want to be loved

*She took her pillow and started weeping into it . Seven looked at her knowing how it felt . He got up enduring the pain and slowly and gently grabbed her shoulder*

Seven : you're not alone you know? And if he left after all you've done for him . He wasn't worth it

Farrah : I... I still think about him sometimes . I don't love him anymore but... it felt like he took a piece of me . A piece which I guarded so ferociously and and Sniffle when I trusted someone enough to give it to them they... they broke it

Seven : Farrah... you remember the promise I made to you ? If its any help ... I intend to keep it . I know it doesn't mean much since I'm still practically just a mercenary to you guys but I think of yall as something more

Farrah : I... I don't see you as a mercenary Seven

Seven : Hmm? Then... what ?

Farrah : I see a *She stopped and contemplated for a bit* a friend

*Seven thought process stopped . He never met someone who was this willing to be friends with him . Sure they were friends already but for her to confirm it is something only people like Henry ever did*

Seven : You... I.... *He looked down at her and the first time in months he smiled and he didn't even realise it* Thank you , Partner

Farrah : Can I... ask you something?

*Seven hummed in agreement and say down next to her . She scooted over and he layed back so they were now side by side on the pillow*

Farrah : Have you ever had someone special?

Seven : Well... *His mind raced with flashes of Camila and Natasha along with other people he's gotten a little intimate with* no

Farrah : How come ? For a human you're pretty cute . I find it hard to believe not even one girl shot their shot with you

Seven : No believe me they've tried but... no , I've never had a girlfriend or anything like that

Farrah : But they got your attention right?

Seven : Sort of. I'm not exactly a people person

Farrah : Then? Even if you don't like others you'd still like them no? So why didn't you ?

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