
877 26 19

*General pov*

*Seven walked down the halls of the HMS Yander without much purpose. His eyes were tired as it was late into the night, yet he couldn't sleep . He sat down on an empty staircase trying to take him mind off things*

Seven : Why am I acting like... this ? I...

*He closed his eyes thinking of people. He imagined himself meeting a beautiful woman. She smiled at him as they talked and Seven was about to truly relax and his mind went to an inappropriate image*

*He thought of pinning the woman down under himself on a bed as he tenderly kissed her and down her neck . He pulled her clothes off and looked up to see not a human but an... anthro?*

Seven : Shit!

*He opened his eyes, taking a deep breath and looking at himself*

Seven : Fuck... no no that... I'm not... my mind's just messing with me

*He reasoned to himself as he thought of the numerous interactions he's had in the past few months with all the anthro women . Just then he looked up to see a dragoness walk past and give him a disapproving glare because of his species*

Dragoness : What are you staring at ?

*She hissed as she walked past. Sevens eyes looked at her as she walked and took a glance at her curvy behind*

Seven : Fuck... *He then facepalmed trying not to think of it*

Why do they all have to be so damn curvy... fucking hell... *He thought*

*With a sigh Seven stood up and shuffled in place to hide his growing tent before pulling his shirt up smelling the blood from their battle still evident*

Seven : I need a wash...

*He made his way back to their rooms walking carefully to his wardrobe as his teammates slept*

*Seven ducked under a tail and stepped over a bra on the floor as he finally fished out his clothing and looked at the blue colour camo and the ATU badges before walking out and going to the bathroom*

Seven : Smells like an explosion of fragrances COUGH

*He set his clothes down and took off his bloody gear and threw them in the laundry basket before stepping into the shower and turned it on*

Seven : Fuck that stings...

*He felt as the water poured over cuts and bruises he recieved . He looked to his right to see hygiene products of all types*

Seven : All this shit that they have and yet not a single FUCKING bottle for my hair . Damn furs...

*He grumbled trying to find something and eventually procured the closest thing he could find "fur and hair shampoo"*

*Seven could see a wolf girl on the front of the bottle. He felt shivers go down his back at her fanged grin and predatory eyes*

Seven : Come on... I fight giant warmachines capable of ending me in a single hit, but I get creeper out by a model ? *He chuckled and poured some out onto his hand and rubbed them together*

Seven : Foamier then I thought...

*He then applied it to his head, taking in the smell*

Seven : Cherries ? Now I'm hungry...

*He sighed and rinsed his head along with the rest of his body. Now feeling refreshed, he stepped out and dried himself beforehand slipping his boxers on . He took a glance at the mirror and stopped dressing*

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