first time ?

716 26 24

*General pov*

*The plane flew through the night sky idly as the powerful engines hummed on the outside . Most of the operators were sleeping except for Seven and Sofia*

*Seven was cleaning his wingman elite as Sofia was looking at her phone*

Sofia : No-fur... can I ask you something?

*Seven looked up at her stopping his cleaning*

Seven : I have a name

Sofia : I don't care

*Seven just looked back down Ignoring her as he continued*

Sofia : Don't ignore me *She growled and put her phone down*

Seven : Did someone call my name ? *He said still cleaning his wingman*

*Sofia sighed with annoyance*

Sofia : Alright... Seven, can I ask you something?

*Seven put his wingman down and looked up at her crossing his legs*

Sofia : Back in Alaska when we found you before you tried to escape. I took that gun remember?

Seven : Yeah I remember and your still a piece of shit for doing that

*Sofia glared at him*

Sofia : You can think all you want... but there's been a single question eating away at me . Why were you so hellbent on getting it back ? It's just a gun and you sacrificed a chance to escape for getting it back

Seven : This right here *He pocked up the Wingman showing her the beautiful gold engravings and custom made parts it had* is not just a gun . It's my friend

Sofia : Your friend ? It looks nice I'll admit but...

Seven : Well... it belonged... to my friend *He said looking down at it remembering Henry as images and screams flooded his head*

Sofia : So it's personal to you then... could I ask what his name was ?

*Seven glared at her through his helmets visor*

Sofia : Please?

Seven : Henry...

*They stayed silent for a moment*

Sofia : And the other one ? I saw it's different and you raeely use it

*Seven looked down to his right thigh and pulled out a black wingman with a carbon fibre handle . On the side the advocate logo was stamped into it and painted there along with a skull on the other side of the barrel*

Seven : It's... *He stopped and Sofia saw the sad look in his eyes through his visor*

Sofia : Never mind . Forget I asked

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