the den of apex predators

804 25 17

*general pov*

*Lenna and Seven walked down the halls of the ATU base . They were both in a bad mood*

Lenna : is... is this the generals office?

Seven : it should be *He then opened the door and walked in to see General Fangman sitting at her desk*

Hellena : Seven and Lenna *She created them warmly* come sit down

*They both took a seat and the Hellena cleared her throat*

Hellena : I've called you two here to discuss your mission

Lenna : General... my team is de-dead *She said almost breaking down*

Hellena : I've seen the report . It's most unfortunate with what happened to them but that's what I've called you two here for

Seven : ma'am with all due respect . I don't see why I am needed

Hellena : we'll get to that in a second . Now Lenna since there's no other member in Charlie team and since you aren't experienced enough to be leader of Charlie team...

Lenna : what will happen then ?

Hellena : I've decided to put you on Echo team

*This visibly shocked Lenna . Meanwhile Seven just thought about he had another fur to worry about*

Lenna : Bu- But General they're...

Hellena : Lenna I undesirable your intimidated by the members of Echo team especially by Seven . But trust me they'll warm up to you like they did for Seven

Lenna : you have a relationship with them ?

Seven : Sort of . Compared to when I first joined them to now it's been great

Hellena : See ? I'm sure they'll treat you with respect and if they don't then tell me and I'll whip them all into shape

Lenna : okay ma'am *the petite rabbit weakly smiled*

Hellena : right and Seven here will give you a rundown okay ? You can wait outside until I finish talking with Seven

*Lenna nodded and saluted before walking out into the hallway*

Hellena : Now , Seven I want you to tell me how it's been like with the others so far

Seven : it's surprisingly alright . I'm not treated like shit all the time and I think it's because I've been trying to spend more time with them

Hellena : do explain

Seven : Well for example when I saved Ashley back in Eastern Siberia she treated me a little better . He'll she even let me use her shower when my wouldn't work

Hellena : thats good and I'm happy that you're learning to live with them and trying to coexist

Seven : I do admit they are interesting to hang around and it's refreshing to talk about things other than war

Hellena : oh so you've gotten personal with them ?

Seven : only a little bit . I don't know much about Kim and Ivy . Sofia is still a mystery

Hellena : well keep it up alright? And your dismissed for now

*Seven then got up and saluted aswell before leaving . Out in the hallway he turned and stared at Lenna who stared back at him*

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