
721 23 19

Location : Nimphius 9

ZE : "Pilot Aaron. Hold until we reach your destination, we are in visual distance of the base" *The AI spoke through the radio*

Aaron : "Copy" *His radio crackled as round of ammo were fired in the background*

Seven : ZE, How many hostiles do you detect?

ZE : Multiple platoons of infantry, likely specter units and 23 active titans

*Seven sighed knowing the bloodbath they were going into was likely going to be their resting place too. Meanwhile ZE'S giant metal legs moved quickly*

*ZE was by no means stealthy or made for speed since he was 63 tons and a giant standing at 10 meters while other titan chassis were lighter but sometimes it was useful. And now was one of those times*

ZE : Pilot, I detect a small force outside the perimeter of the base.

Seven : Titan?

ZE : Negative. However, There may be a potential enemy pilot.

*Seven, using the neurolink to ZE, reached to their grab the thermite launcher off their lower back and equipped it as they sprinted through the trees of the swamp planet. ZE'S legs were knee deep in the water and Seven took notice*

Seven : Are they on ground or in water?

ZE : Scans show the area up ahead will be deeper before going up to a small island where they are

*As Seven heard his companion speak he would note how they were sinking as they went. Just like how ZE informed him*

Seven : Prep thermite launcher, we'll seal them in once we attack

*Infront he could already see lights moving around. Likely from the unsuspecting soldiers*

Click Click

*Mason clicked his lighter as he held a cigarette in his mouth. With his spitfire lowered he casually stood around*

??? : Think there's more of them? What if we get called in?

*Mason looked to the source of the feminine voice to see his fellow grunt sitting on the ground looking up at him. It was Nea, They met in basics and were deployedat the sane airbase*

Mason : Nah... I've been around long enough to know they'll clean the intruders up. There's only three of them idiots, we wouldn't make much of a difference

Nea : I guess you're right. Does your mother still bug you about cigarettes?

Mason : Yeah... the old woman doesn't get it when I tell her to stop. Anyways, how's the wife?

Nea : Talked to her last week. Turns out I'll be having sex on the beach in three days

Mason : Do you mean the drink or are you two actually going to fuck on a beach? *He asked in an unamused tone. Nea and her wife were two freaky lesbians and he was aware*

Nea : Both *She chuckled*

Mason : It's going to be your anniversary right?

Nea : Yep, 4 in and we're still just as happy.

Mason : Congratulations, since you'll be leaving tomorrow morning.

Nea : Yeah. I'm glad I took up work with Blisk. I get pay AND work when I want.

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