fun and beer

866 22 28

*General pov*

*Seven opened his eyes feeling warm and cozy . He looked behind to see Ivy was still sleeping peacefully . He looked at the clock and saw it was the afternoon already*

??? : Shhh... be quiet Farrah . Ivy and Seven are still sleeping

*He listened to the voice associating it to Kim*

Farrah : Alright alright... let's just leave them seeing as they probably want to sleep in . Foxtrot team should arrive anyways

*Seven breathed out as they left . He shuffled slightly to get comfortable as Ivy's hold on him was tight*

*Sevens pov*

I wonder why she couldn't just go to someone else's room... that's what I get for coming back late with Ashley

*I felt her grip tighten and my face started to heat up as her chest pressed against my backhand her leg was ontop of mine*

Move your damn tail... fookin lizards I swear

*I could then feel her breath against my neck and it sent shivers down my spine*

Oh for fucks... please I've already been bit by her once and it sucked ass

*my toes curled as I could hear her hiss in her sleep and I swear I felt her tongue on my nape*

Oh hell naw

*I turn by head as much as I could and moved away from her but this causes her to stir*

Yes . Just wake up

*I wiggled around and finally I saw her eyes open*

Me : finally your awake . Can you let me go ?

Ivy : uh.... mhh... your so warm and comfortable though

Me : Well you're making me uncomfortable

Ivy : is that so ? Well I'm sorry for that but

*I felt her tightening her hold*

Me : stop it .

Ivy : just a bit more please... its been so long... since I had such a good sleep. Just let me enjoy this a bit more...

*I felt my cheeks turn red at the thought*

Me : Al-Alright... fine

Ivy : Thank you *She whispered into my ear sending more shivers down my back*

I can't lie... this is kind of nice

Me : can you at least let me... turn ?

*I felt her grip loosen and I turned to meet her face to face*

Ivy : hmm... I forgot you took the bandages off

Me : is that a... problem ?

Ivy : no... I actually like staring at your face

*I could feel my face flush and she giggled a little*

Me : but... I'm so ugly *I said remembering all the scars and even the burned skin on my left eye*

Ivy : no your not... if anything you're one of the best looking humans I've seen

Me : is that a compliment? 

Ivy : it is... and don't think you're ugly alright?  If anything I like the scar you have... I think it suits you

It suits me ?

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