Secret helper

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*General pov*

Seven : Listen... she helped us out of there *He said to Matias with Sofia still behind him*

Matias : Why are you working with a fur?

*Seven turned his head and looked at Sofia who looked down at him aswell. Her eyes weren't angry or scolding like usual but this time, Seven didn't know*

Seven : Matias I uhh... listen. I'm an operator for the ATU. And she's our team leader

*The men looked at each other and even Matias seemed surprised*

Matias : You? An ATU operator? *He looked suspicious* You lied to us ?

Seven : Look I lied because I couldn't trust you... I'm sorry but it was the only way.

Matias : Only way !? Only way for WHAT ? *He raised his AK clearly angry and not thinking straight*

*Seven held his ground and didn't flinch. However he could hear Sofia possibly reaching for her gun*


*The men looked at each other*

Matias : Why... why would you piece of SHIT animals want to now ensure our safety ? *He asked Sofia this time*

*Sofia sighed and stepped next to Seven and looked at Matias*

Sofia : The wars over... it has been for a long time. So now... the ATU is trying to fix everything and the first step is to unite and fight against the real enemy

*Matias looked sceptically at the anthro shark*

Sofia : Look if we really were your enemy, then why would we go through all this shit for you? We're here to help... that's it

*Matias turned and looked at his men. He didn't see bloodthirsty soldiers ready to take the world on. Instead he just saw people. People who were desperate and were there to get out of that hell*

Matias : Fine... and Seven, your reason for not telling me who you actually are was...

*Seven waited a little anxiously as the russian lowered the gun*

Matias : Reasonable.

*The duo both released a sight of relief. Seven then started to walk towards them*

Matias : BUT if you do anything to harm these people... Getting out of here will be the least if your concerns

Seven : Noted...

*They finally reached the two russians and the four of them stood in a circle*

Seven : Now what have you gathered whilst up here?

Matias : As you can see we've managed to break out but *He turned around and looked a little around the building they were behind*


*Matias quickly pulled back as a storm of bullets descended upon him*

Matias : They've still got the advantage in numbers and the area that they control

Seven : And that minigun would tear up anything that tries to push them...

Matias : Going around isn't an option either except something real risky...

Sofia : I have a plan

*The tall shark woman spoke up and the 3 humans looked at her*

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