home alone with a sly fox

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*General pov*

Sofia : and do NOT snoop in our rooms

Kim : got it

Ivy : and for the last time . Do NOT make him do anything that would open his stitching up

Kim : Got it

Farrah : and do NOT try and modify my sniper rifle

Kim : Got it

Ashley : and do NOT steal my fur conditioner

Kim : got it . And your fur conditioner doesn't even work on my fur

Ashley / Farrah : Because you mixed ours together instead of buying your own you lazy bastard!

*Sofia sighed . They've had this conversation with everyone now . Every time they've left someone always does something*

Sofia : okay let's just go , David is probably waiting for us

Ashley : agreed

*They then all left except Kim who hummed to herself as she walked to the small kitchen*

Kim : now... how did Ashley make those scrambled eggs again ? *She muttered to herself as she got out a pan and a couple of eggs*

*She cracked the eggs onto the oiled up pan and added season . It was all going well until she got the urge to pee*

Kim : well whatever I like it well done *However when she came back . The eggs were smoking*

Kim : OH SHIT !

*she quickly grabbed a wet rag and picked up the pan and threw it in the sink . She quickly turned the water on but the eggs were ruined*

Kim : aw... why can't I get anything right

*She then remembered her teammate who didn't have to go and she gets an idea*

*She walks down the hallway and stops at the 6th door . Surprisingly the dumbass forgot to lock the door*

Kim : hey Seven do you know how to ma- GAHHH FUCK *She recoiled back seeing Seven was wearing nothing . Luckily the blanket covered his lower body so she was saved*

Seven : Kim ? Whaaaa... *He then shot up* EVER HEARD OF KNOCKING YOU DAMN PERVERT!?

Kim : Shit I'm Fucking sorry , have you heard of locking your door ?

Seven : you could still knock *He got up and put some clothes on and came out into the hallway*

Kim : anyways *Her blush slowly faded* i wanted to ask if you knew how to cook

Seven : why ? Just ask the others

Kim : I wouldn't even be talking to your no-fur ass if they were here . But their gone on a mission to escort some refugees in a village down south

Seven : So that just leaves me and you ? Great *He said sarcastically*

Kim : can you cook or not ?

Seven : I can make the most basic dishes

Kim : nothing long I'm starving

Seven : is toast good and fried eggs good ?

Kim : yes

*Seven sighed and walked to the kitchen*

Kim : awesome . Thanks no-fur

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