Average day

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*General pov*

*Seven blankly stared through the glass into the incinerator almost like he was back in his childhood but then he got shoved*

Dragon : Get going bitch! *He ordered and pushed Seven down the hall back to where they cane from*

*Seven was about to say something but decided against it. If anything his mentor taught him it was to know the best way of fighting in his current situation so Seven stayed quiet*

He'll make a mistake eventually... then he's dead *He thought to himself*

Dragon : Good. Now get out of here *He said opening the gate again to let Seven through*

Seven : You promised food

Dragon : I don't care

*Seven now squared up*

Dragon : You fucking heard me *He pulled out his gun and aimed at Seven*

Seven : You think you'll win against a man with nothing to lose ? By the time you'll pull the trigger I'll rip your throat out. Now give me the food

*They glared at each other before the guard reached to his side and pulled out a protein bar and tossed it*

Dragon : Now piss back off

*Seven took it and quickly went through the gate as it shut behind him. He sighed and looked at the bar*

Seven : All that... for some measly food

*He sighed and walked back over to Matias and Ivan who looked relieved to see Seven*

Matias : Comrade ! I'm relieved to see you

Seven : Yeah well... at least I got something *He said looking at the protein bar*

Matias : It's never worth it... I'm even surprised you got something

Seven : Hey, I know a trick or two about intimidation

Matias : I'm sure you do . Now go and rest because Tomorrow is going to be a long day

Seven : Sure thing

*Seven got up and walked away bit took a turn and went to a set of bunks and stopped infront of the boy he saw earlier*

Seven : Hey Little fella... here *He took the wrapper off and put the bar to the boys mouth letting him grab it*

Boy : Tha-Thank you... Mister...*He sounded weak and on the verge of tears which just slightly tugged at Seven's heart*

Seven : Don't about worry bud... I'll see what I can do yeah ?

Boy : Then please... help them too

*He pointed a skeleton finger to other people who also looked malnourished. Despite his situation he still thought of other people. Seven couldn't help but admire that a little*

Seven : I'll try and help all your friends alright ? Now get some rest

*He said before turning around and walking off . Eventually Seven found a more isolated bunk and he layed down*

Seven : Fuck... still more comfortable than back on Idrangoon *He mumbled and chuckled to himself remembering the harsh environment. Compared to that he was at least on solid and dry ground*

*Seven yawned and rolled over trying to block out the distraction around him and slowly but surely he went to sleep*


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