Team bonding

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*General pov*

Sofia : Thanks, have a good day soldier *She nodded to the spotted hyena guard that had opened to gate for them*

*Her boot pressed against the pedal as the humvee moved forward. In the passenger seat was Seven who was in a basic black uniform that was ATU issued. The only gear he had was a carrier which didn't even have a plate inside and a balaclava to hide his expression*

Seven : Finally we're here...

Sofia : Yeah so you can stop asking now...

Seven : It was a six hour drive Sofia... A SIX HOUR DRIVE *He said with emphasis*

Sofia : Stop shouting or I'll break your teeth in you furless piece of shit! *She yelled*

Seven : Just park already! If I spend another second in this humvaa... hunve... hum... *He tried to pronounce the unfamiliar word*

Sofia : Humvee *She corrected*

Seven : another second in this humvee and I'll go insane

Sofia : You already are. Now calm down, you lasted six hours so you can last three more minutes until I find the parking space

*The drive wasn't hard by any means but it was detrimental to one's boredom. They drove on a highway which was exactly the reason why they were both so jumpy. When the HMS Yander docked at port they were let off and got sent with a convoy to the inner parts of Angola. The problem arose when said convoy split away to a different base leaving the two by themselves*

Seven : There's a spot right there. *He said without any patience in his voice*

Sofia : On it *She said turning the wheel*

*During their drive they stopped a total of five times for a break with Sofia usually going to fill the gas tank or buy things from any nearby store while Seven just stayed hidden to not attract attention. Not like there was any since it was asphalt for miles in every direction which allowed him to at least take bathroom breaks*

Sofia : There, make sure to get your very few personal belongings and head to the rooms. The girls should be getting ready for dinner by now

Seven : Say no more *He said jumping out and opened the trunk to grab a cage with a familiar bird and a bag containing various items Sofia bought*

Sofia : Great, I'll be up there with you in a bit. Try not to get in trouble

*Seven just turned and left. The human wanted nothing more than to eat and sleep*

*He saw two guard standing by the entrance and when they saw him they hesitated for a moment*

Seven : I'm here to join back up with my team. You know where Echo team is ?

German shepherd : A no-fur with echo team? *He thought for a moment before his eyes lit up* wait I know you! You're the one who brought down Dragontooth right?

Seven : You know about that ? Also I had help

German shepherd : Of course I know. News travels fast when people are bored. Especially in places like this

Seven : Alright... now about Echo team

German Sheperd : Go in and take the stairs up. Operator rooms are next to the armory

Seven : Understood.

*Seven walked past him and through the door. He felt the nice cooler air around and began heading up the stairs*

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