Captain Cape

585 19 20

AN : I got a cute little doodle for Ashley and put it at the bottom of this chapter. Anyways enjoy

*General pov*

*Sofia flipped through the pages in her journal as her eyes looked over her writing and sketches*

*She picked it up as something to keep herself occupied with all those years ago. Her journal contained a variety of different things from locations to people. They were sketched down, Granted she wasn't that talented like Farrah but she knew how to hold a pen, and next to them were often texts describing the event*

Sofia : So like... you still sleeping? *She asked out loud as her eyes were still on the journal*

*She then sighed and looked up to see a passed out human layed out on a row of seats. His body took up 6 spots from head to his feat as he layed there like a deadman*

Sofia : You alive? Meh, probably. Its kinda freaky how you just look like a corpse though. Seriously I get some people are deep sleepers... but it's been 9 fucking hours *She huffed hoping to get a reaction but was again treated with silence from Seven*

Sofia : Arghhh.... how can you even sleep like that ? No bed, dirty as hell and with all that gear on. *She muttered before going silent*

*Her eyes continued to fly over the words as she barely had any interest in her journal anymore and after a few minutes she stood up and put the book away before looking at Seven*

Sofia : Yeah that does it. If I sit here anymore my ass will kill me *She said sternly and got up*

*She groaned as she stood and and rubbed her lower back and stretched*

Pop crack

Sofia : Ahh~~ just what I need~ *She said as the relief washed over her and she looked down to the task at hand*

*Sofia stepped forward and grabbed Seven by the top of his vest with her left hand and his right knee with her right hand*

Sofia : Lazy fuck... Gets nothing done when it matters *She muttered to herself*

*Sofia then pulled him up and lowered her head. Her anthro strength lifted Seven up and over her head and set him down on her shoulders and nape. A fireman's carry*

*Sofia shuffled the unconscious human on her shoulders until she felt comfortable and stepped out of the powered off chopper and onto the deck of the HMS Yander and walked to a bulkhead leading to the lower decks*

Like a sack of potatoes... but at least those are useful *Sofia thought to herself as she walked*

*The weather was nice with an open blue sky and calm waters. They were nearing the base in Angola and Sofia was happy to know she'd be eating dinner tomorrow with the rest of Echo team*

*Finally she reached the bulkhead and lucky for her a technician opened it from the other side and she let him out before stepping through*

Sofia : Now to the quarters...

*She walked down the hallway and passed by other anthros who either gave her a questioning look or just stepped out of the way. But there was one thing people knew and that was to not agitate Sofia. She often had a bad and some people knew she had just come back from a long mission with a human so no one said anything and just stepped out of the way*

*Finally she made it to the quarters and opened the bulkhead to be met with a room with two bunkbeds and a small table. Each bed had a crate next to it for storing personal items but they were ignored by Sofia who stepped inside and walked over to one of the bunks*

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