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*General pov* 

C. Mercy : We still haven't gotten a report from the operators we sent to Dragontooth *The panther said leaning over the table with a map of Dragontooth*

C. Elvis : They've been in there for a week already. And hopefully they answer our call

L.C. Hopps well they haven't fired any flares and scouts haven't reported anything off. We can hope that they successfully infiltrated the prison

C. Mercy : Or got captured the moment they entered it... especially that human I mean we basically sent him to die

C. Elvis : that may be so. Anyways its still scheduled for half an our later. If they don't contact then we'll assume they failed

L.C. Hopps : Whatever the case sir I'll have squads on ready if they do signal us

*Colonel Elvis nodded and walked out*

C. Elvis : I want to be immediately alerted if anything happens *He then walked out*

C.L. Hopps : I'll be leaving too now for my troops

*Colonel Mercy nodded and sighed as the two men left her in the room*

C. Mercy : Come on... Don't make me regret my decisions you two


*Seven huffed as he raised the pickaxe and struck the rock again. Him and other men were in the process of carving out a new area in the mountain for Whatever the ACO needed it for*

Seven : Fuck... oi Matias

Matias : What is it comrade ?

Seven : Have you thought of a plan to leave yet ?

Matias : Sorry comrade but even if I did we wouldn't know where to head and without weapons we'll get slaughtered if we try to leave by the Eastern tunnel or by the lifts

*They both continued to work*

Seven : What if we got you that Intel somehow ?

Matias : If you could then I suppose we could. The men might be weak and starved but they'll follow us to the deeps of hell if that means we can get out

*Seven nodded*

Seven : Understood. But what Intel would you need ?

Matias : The armory and where the storage rooms are. If the we're energised and have weapons we might stand a chance

Seven : Alright and since i asked... I'll be the one to get it for you

*Matias looked up with a raised eyebrow*

Matias : You're that willing ?

Seven : I sort of... made a promise

Matias : Understandable

*They continued to work while simultaneously trying to ignore the lashing of whips and cries of pain from their brothers*

*Finally they heard a loud whistle indicating they're work is finished for that day. Seven dropped the pickaxe and started to walk out but he caught a glimpse of a familiar looking anthro but when he took a second take he didn't see anyone*

Seven : The hell?

Guard : OI ! Move it you furless bitch!

*He was shoved violently and accidentally hit another guard. When he looked up his eyes widened as a set of green eyes looked down at him*

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