The escape (Sofia)

423 19 21

*General pov*

*The elevator doors infront of Sofia slid open the reveal a hallway. She cautiously stuck her head out and looked around seeing nobody besides the concrete walls and ceiling lights*

Sofia : Too quiet...

*She stepped out with her ACW-R raised and she stepped next to a wall and started to advance down one of the ways. She may be a guard but she wasn't allowed down here due to not being a high enough rank*

Stomp stomp stomp stomp

*She focused as she heard a bunch of footsteps coming towards her position. She looked around trying to find anything before her eyes landed on a container. She quickly ran over and opened the lid before jumping in*


*She cringed at the sound as she felt her boot step in something soft and fleshy. She looked down but couldn't see anything from the darkness but the sound and feel combined with the horrendous smell left little to the imagination*

AOC guard : Come on men ! The inmates are trying to escape!

*She opened the top a tiny bit and peaked out To see 15ish guards run past her towards the lifts to stop the riot*

Sofia : Don't fuck anything up no-fur... I don't want to listen to Ashley's or Farrah's crying about losing you

*She then slowly opened the top more once the group had passed. She put one hand on the side and pulled herself up and placed on foot on the edge before finally jumping out*

*Her snout crunched up as she looked at her boot with disgust seeing the blood on it. She quickly closed the top not wanting to look inside and got back to walking*

Sofia : Come on... He must be here somewhere


*She heard something in the distance from around the corner. She readied herself and peaked around it to see a hallway full of doors*


*She could hear it a little clearer now. It was the sound a small cage would make when rattling. She slowly went down the hallway until she reached the first door*

*With her gun held up she slowly opened it to see a lab filled with all kinds of equipment. She looked around and saw nobody and silently entered*

Sofia : Fucking... hell

*She looked with disgust at a human and anthro body. They were both on a table being disected it seemed. She grabbed looked around and saw what looked like a case of files and grabbed it*

Sofia : Compound 7 testing... the limits of human fortitude... *She whistle to herself trying to find anything related to humans and anthros*

Sofia : Human and anthro... organ connections? *Her eyes widened as she saw the tittle and began reading*

Sofia : Experiments on a human (25m) and an anthro (23m) have gone underway... we will try something that has never been tried before which is to see what organs can be switched between the 2 organisms and how they will react

*Sofia looked around to check no one was there. There was a reason something like switching organs between humans and anthros was only done once back 90 or so years ago in the second world war. The German's sensing that they were losing tried to strengthen their soldiers. They took anthro pows and took out their organs and gave them to human soldiers since anthros were physically stronger. However the consequences were extreme causing soldiers to die and suffer as their bodies rejected the foreign organ or simply shut down. Since then it was banned and transplants were only allowed from donors of the same species*

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