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Elliot Stabler sighed as he walked into the 21st district of the Chiagco Police Department, he had been asked to come and work with the team in the Intelligence Unit as his knowledge of the recent attacks on Gay Military Personnel. The building was warm yet outside was freezing, and Elliot found himself pulling the buttons of his jacket so it was resting opened.

"Detective Stabler, it's good to finally meet you, how was your journey here?" the desk Sergeant asked, and Elliot found himself smiling

"Trudy Platt, the pleasure is all mine" Elliot smiled, bringing the older woman in for a tight hug

"Hank is so greatful for you coming for this, it's become personal for our unit, one of our own was attacked two weeks ago" Trudy explained

"Yea, I spoke to Voight the other day, how's Jay coping?" Elliot asked, he had met the war veteran a year ago, a bubbly young man with the most beautiful green eyes

"Not well, he's not spoken about what happened, not sleeping and not eating, maybe you'll be able to help him?" Trudy asked, guiding Elliot up the stairs to where the Intelligence Unit was busy working

"Detective Stabler, welcome back to Chiagco" a rough voice spoke, and Elliot walked forward bringing the elder Sergeant in for a hug while nodding at the rest of the team, stopping when he saw Jay huddled in the corner desk

"It's good to be back, I just wish it had been under better circumstances" Stabler sighed, his eyes not leaving Jays hunched over body that had a slight tremble to it

"Can I borrow you in my office Elliot?" Hank asked, and it brought Stabler away from the Detective that had changed so much since he last saw him

"He's not the same Jay" Elliot said, closing the door behind him

"He was raped Elliot, and hasn't spoken a word since then" Hank sighed

"And it's definitely the same giy that we tried getting three years ago?" Elliot asked, turning from thr window to face the Intelligence Sergeant

"Yea, we managed a rape kit with Jay, DNA matched the sample you had, think you can maybe get him to talk, he's always trusted you" Hank asked

"I can give it a go, but not here, let me take him home, he's in no state to be questioned in a place like this" Elliot said

"Thank you, even if you can get him to speak, he's crumbling infront of us" Hank said, opening the door and allowing Stabler out who wandered slowly over to Jay who just watched him with distint eyes

"Hey bud, shall we get out of here?" Elliot asked, a gentle smile on his face

Jay only nodded, grabbing his jacket and standing beside the older detective shyly, his hands trembling slightly; and so Elliot reached down and grasped Jays right hand gently, squeezing gently when the younger man let out a small flinch.

"It's ok, just me" Elliot soothed, guiding Jay down the stairs and out to his car

"You don't have to say anything but I'm here for you, you ok if I take you back to yours?" Stabler asked gently, starting the car when Jay nodded

With Jays help, Elliot was able to make the 20 minute drive to Jays little house that he had stayed in since he had been discharged from the military. The younger detective let out a small sigh as he unbuckled, and shakily walked up the pathway with Elliot following him.

"You want a tea?" Elliot asked as he walked into the kitchen, grabbing a second mug when Jay nodded as he sat down at the small table he had

"Why are you in Chiagco?" Jay croaked

"To help catch who did this to you, and get justice for the others" Elliot said, handing Jay the cup that had warm tea in it

"I didn't want it to happen, I tried to stop him" Jay said quietly, not looking at Elliot

"That's not your fault, you were attacked" Elliot said softly

"It hurt so bad, I had never done anything like that before, mama always said to save it for that special someone" Jay continued, hands shaking as he worked himself up

"Jay, look at me" Elliot said, moving to sit down next to Jay and taking his hands gently

"It wasn't your fault, we will catch him, but I need your help getting him, do you remember anythint might help?" Elliot said, keeping his hands on Jays

"He was military, bigger than me, blonde hair, blue eyes, I don't want to remember it anymore Elliot, please, no more" Jay whimpered, looking into the older mans eyes

"Ok, no more, you want something to eat, we can get takeout?" Elliot said softly

"I just want to sleep, I'm so tired" Jay whispered

"You did so well, I'm so proud of you" Elliot smiled, helping Jay stand and wrapping a gentle arm around the smaller mans waist

Jay leaned his body weight onto Elliot, and let out a small sigh as he felt himself become sleepier with every step that he took. He let out a involuntary whimper as Elliot stepped away from him, a sudden panic hittinf him.

"It's ok, I'm just going to close your blinds, I'm not going anywhere" the New York Detective said softly

Will you stay the night, I don't want to have nightmares anymore" Jay said quietly, sitting on the edge of his bed

"Of course, I'm not leaving until we catch this guy" Elliot said, sitting next to Jay

"Thank you" Jay whispered, letting his head fall onto Elliots shoulder

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