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Any cases that were to do with children always came with consequences on Jays part, either he would end up getting angry or getting hurt. No body knew why they affected him as bad as they did until the case they were trying to solve became personal.

"Freddy Grew, wanted for multiple cases of child sexual assault, we have cases dating back 10 years ago" Hank started, sticking a photo of a man who looked about 55 years old

Jay Halstead stopped what he was doing, he recognised that name. That name had been ingrained in his mind since he was 12 years old, now 22 he still remembers what he had done to him.

The pain it left him in, and the way he had touched him for years. He could feel his breathing picking up and his whole
body started trembling. The scars on his back were prickling, phantom pains from the abuse also making themselves known.

Hank said it started 10 years ago, that didn't make sense, Grew had started babysitting him when he was 6 years old, the abuse starting around that time too. It was suddenly hard to breathe, and unknown to Jay his team mates had now noticed his change in behaviour.

"Jay, you ok mate?" Adam asked, taking in how pale the youngest detectives face had gone

"Tonio" Jay gasped out, eyes searching for his husband

"I'm here babe, breath for me" Antonio soothed, kneeling in front of Jay

"Can't" Jay whimpered, hands reaching for Antonio's

"You can babe, deep breaths, there we go" Antonio coached, keeping his voice soft

"He hurt me" Jay mumbled

"Who baby?" Antonio asked, looking at the team in concern

"Grew, he hurt Jay, nobody helped, nobody made it stop" Jay shouted suddenly

"Hey, shish, breath babe" the spanish born man soothed

"I was six, he told me it was normal, he told me that it would make me stronger" Jay cried, hands gripping his husbands hand tightly

"Who did you tell Jay?" Hank asked, he had sent everyone downstairs so not to overwhelm the younger man

"My dad didn't believe me, said I was a fag for letting it happen, Grew said he'd kill me if I told anyone, I was 16 when it stopped, please don't let him hurt me" Jay cried out

Hank and Antonio felt their hearts break at the state the young 24 year old had himself in; they knew he had joined the army at 17 to get away from Chiagco and now they knew the exact reason as to why.

Antonio stayed silent as he brought the distraught man in for a tight hug, whispering sweet nothings into the brown haired mans ear, helping him calm down.

Hank had gotten his phone out and phoned the younger mans older brother; Will had said he had suspected it was happening, but his father had brushed everything under the carpet.

The Bull Pen was soon quiet and the pair looked down to see thag Jay had fallen asleep in Antonios arms; a tight frown on his face, eyes twitching like he was dreaming.

"I'm gonna take him home" Antonio spoke, standing up with the man in his arms

"That's fine" Hank smiled

Walking down to the truck, Jay stayed asleep, waking up slightly as he was placed in the passenger seat but falling back to sleep quite quickly once his seat belt was on.

Antonio kissed his head gently, before closing the door and walking quickly to the drivers side. The drive to their shared apartment was a short one, and a small whimper left Jays lips as Antonio shut off the car.

"It's ok Mi amor" Antonio soothed, unbuckling Jay

The younger man stayed silent, eyes still closed and small snores leaving the boys lips; Antonio sat in the car quietly, not wanting to risk disturbing his sleeping husband. He managed to answer emails and do some admin, before Jay woke up, disoriented and quiet.

"Tonio" Jay whispered, rubbing his eyes tiredly

"Hi baby, ready to go inside?" Antonio asked softly

"Mmmm, and cuddle?" Jay asked quietly

"Of course, all the cuddles you want" Antonio smiled

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