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The Intelligence Unit were the last ones on the scene; a 4 car pile up with 6 people killed immediately, and a handful injured. The area was a mess of crushed cars and emergency personnel trying to get the injured to hospital.

Hank Voight looked at his husband who was scanning the area to try and figure out what had been the cause of it. Their silence was soon interrupted by Slyvie Brett running up to them with a rushed out statement that she had a witness.

The two men followed her to the ambulance, where a teenage was sat, an oxygen mask on his face but no other injuries could be seen. He looked about 15, and from what they could tell had been in one of the cars that had been crashed into.

"This is Jay Halstead, his brother was unfortunatly killed in this accident, but he wants to help" Slyvie explained softly

"His parents?" Hank asked

"Dad died ten years ago, never knew his mother" Slyvie whispered

"Will he need to go to Med?" Hank asked

"I would like them to do a full evaluation just in case" Sylvie replied, a small smile on her face

The older men nodded, looking sympathetically at the teenager in front of them; Slyvie finished up her checks before leaving the three alone so they could chat.

"The car came out of no where, Will tried to swerve but so did everyone else" Jay mumbled from behind the mask

"Do you remember what the car looked like? Or maybe the people inside it?" Antonio asked, sitting next to Jay

"Was a red Dodge Challenger, Will always wanted one of those, said when he became a doctor he'd buy one" Jay mumbled, reaching up to rub his eyes

"Did they drive off after the crash?" Hank asked, scribbking as he asked

"Yea, they didn't even stop to see if anyone was hurt, there was so much blood" Jay whimpered, eyes filling with tears

"It's ok, don't cry, you're ok" Antonio soothed, rubbing the teenagers back

"I only wanted to go to the cinema, but now my brother is gone" Jay cried, trying to pull the oxygen mask off his face

"That needs to stay on, just until we get to Med" Hank soothed, gently grabbing Jay's arms so he wouldn't pull the mask off

"I don't want to go to Med, I want to go home" Jay cried

"Do you know any family we can call?" Antonio asked

"No, daddy died, never knew my mum and now Will is gone too" Jay cried, leaning into Antonio's side

"And how old are you Jay?" Hank asked, the two men kicked themselves for not asking that question first

"15, I'm gonna end up in a group home like I did before Will took me in" Jay whispered

"Not if we can help it, we have adopted kids before, maybe you can stay with us?" Antonio asked softly

"And I'd still get to go to school and stuff?" Jay asked

"Of course, school is very important" Hank smiled 

Jay only nodded, he was struggling to keep his eyes open, the adrenaline that had been running through his body was now leaving. The Spainard noticed this and was quick to let the young boy cuddle into him.

"Let's get him to med, and Social Services are already there" Slyvie spoke softly from the doorway, the two men nodded

The drive to Med was quick, and Jay stayed asleep the whole time which gave Hank and his husband time to discuss taking the teenager back with them. They had two adopted children at home; Justin Voight (18) and Erin Lindsey (20) so they weren't strangers to the system.

"That's us here, want to carry him in?" Sylvie asked as she opened the back doors

"Yea" Hank smiled, picking up the small 15 year old and holding him close to his chest

Jay woke when he felt himself being lifted, and gripped onto Hanks shirt tightly. His breathing picked up as they walked into the hospital, and by the time the trio were in a treatment room, Jay was breathing harshly.

"What's up buddy?" Hank asked worried, trying to put the child on the bed but Jay wouldn't let go

"No, no" Jay cried, hiding his body in Hanks

"The doctors need to look, make sure theres no injuries" Hank soothed

"No, I don't want to, I want to go home" Jay cried, his small hands clutching Hank tightly

"I promise we won't hurt you kiddo, I just need to look" Connor Rhodes spoke, watching the small teen break down

"No, last time someone said that Daddy died" Jay cried, and they all realised the small child had witnessed doctors in a bad light through his fathers illness

"I promise you that you're not going to die, you're daddy was sick" Hank soothed, holding the crying teen close

"You pinky promise?" Jay whispered innocently

"I do" Hank promised, holding his pinky out

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