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Being little and sick causes Jay to be clingy .. he wants Hailey, nobody else


Jay Halstead stood at 5foot and at 22 years old he was the youngest in the Intelligence Unit; but not jsut by actual age, but also mental age. He had a regression going of around a year old, and the team were his family.

Hank had taken up the role of "daddy", Trudy was certified "Mama", with the rest of the team having a range of different nicknames. At the current time, Jay was sleeping on the sofa in the break room with a fever.

The team had been checking on him regularly, but the small man had not yet awoken from his deep slumber. Hank had checked the biys fever and was slightly concerned when it wasn't showing any sign of getting better.

"Baby boy, can you wake for daddy" Hank whispered, rubbing Jay's back softly

"Want bubby" Jay croaked

"I'll go get her, but I need you to wake up so we can give you some medicine" Hank soothed

"Bubby, no medicine" Jay croaked out, curling up away from Hank

The older man sighed, standing up and walking out into the Bull Pen were his team were sat doing paperwork. They all looked up when he entered the room, looking expectantly at the Sergeant.

"He only wants you Hailey, try and get him to take some medicine for me?" Hank asked, handing the woman the bottle of childs calpol

"Of course" Hailey smiled, standing up and walking over to the man, grabbing the medicine and then walking into the breakroom

"Bubby, don't feel well" Jay whimpered, looking at the woman with feverish eyes

"I know you don't little man, can you take some medicine and then we can cuddle?" Hailey asked, sitting beside the small man

"I don't like it" Jay cried

"I know baby but it's going to make you feel so much better" Hailey soothed, lifting the small body onto her lap

"Only a little bit" Jay bargained, cuddling into Hailey

"Yea buddy" Haileh smiled, carefully pouring some of the children's calpol onto the spoon

"It's yucky bubby" Jay whispered, but opened his mouth and taking the medicine from Hailey

"Such a good boy, want some water?" Hailey asked, nodding when the boy shook his head, instead he cuddled closer and let his eyes slip close again

"Sleepy" was all Jay mumbled, wriggling to get comfy

Hailey only shushed the man, running her hands through his hair and humming softly to allow the little to fall back asleep. She could feel the fever starting to decrease, but knew it would be a few days until Jay was back to normal.

"Did he take it?" Hank asked, walking into the room quietly so not to disturb the sleeping little

"Yea, and then he fell back asleep" Hailey whispered

"Think he'll let you go for a bit, we really need to get this paperwork done" Hank said softly

"I can hold him while doing it, I don't want to upset him when he's feeling unwell" Hailey said, standing up with the small little cradled in her arms

Hailey walked slowly back to her desk, but not before grabbing Jay's blankie and his dummy that was laying on the break room table. She gently pushed the dummy into the littles mouth, chuckling as the boy suckled greedily on it, and wrapped the boy with the blanket to keep him warm.

"He's so calm like that" Kim whispered, coming to stand behind Hailey

"He's at his happiest when he's little" Hailey smiled, brishing Jay's hair out of his face, shushing the man as he whimpered in his sleep

The two ladies parted, Hailey getting on with her paperwork while holding the sleeping little. Jay stayed sleeping for about an hour or so, by that time all paperwork was done and the team were sat about chatting quietly amongst themselves.

"Bubby" a small voice whimpered from Haileys arms

"Hey buddy, did you sleep ok?" Hailey asked, taking the dummy from Jay as he rubbed his eyes

"Wan go home" the little croaked, coughing harshly before he settled against Hailey's chest

"Ok, let's get daddy to take you" Hailey started but was cut off

"NO, wan stay with bubby" Jay cried, suddenly bursting into tears

"Ok beautiful, you can stay with me, please don't cry" Hailey soothed, rocking Jay gently to soothe him

"Don't wanna leave you" Jay cried, coughing wetly

"You're not baby boy, I'm not going anywhere" Hailey promised, kissing Jay's forgead gently

The little soon calmed down again, bis hand reaching up to fiddle with his ear, a coping mechanism he had gained through his regression, the other hand reaching for his dummy.

Hailey handed it over to him, and was surprised when the small little on her lap, snuggled up closer and closed his eyes again. Small snores coming from his mouth as he fell asleep once again.

"You welcome to stay the night Hails, don't think he's goinh to let you go anytime soon" Hank spoke

"I might take you up on that" Hailey chuckled

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